More Food Thoughts…
While I was out touring wine country this last weekend, I began to think a bit more about something that I’ve only recently become to realize: that many of the foods which are handed down to us over the years are only edible because of the actions of other critters. Beer, bread, and wine all owe their existance to the operations of yeast. Many cheeses owe their flavors to the actions of molds. Yogurt only exists through the action of bacteria. It’s amazing actually how many of our classic foodstuffs rely on, rather than try to inhibit the action of these helpful critters. Now our food is increasingly sterile, homogenized and bereft of life.
Hey, this is what you think of while munching a loaf of bread and a hunk of good cheese while surrounded by beautiful vineyards.
If you need to ponder this mystery further, try reading How to Make San Francisco Sourdough Bread and make some loaves of bread.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…