I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Finished Me and My Katamari!
I really enjoyed the Katamari Damacy game for the PS2, so when I heard that there was a Katamari game for the PSP, I knew that I had to have it. I’ve been playing Me and My Katamari for a couple of weeks, and just yesterday managed to complete the King of the Cosmos level which marked the end of the game (although there is some replay value in trying to advance my scores on previously completed levels) and I haven’t actually done any online multiplayer gaming.
First, the bad. I can only play this game in short 20 minute bursts. My left hand completely cramps up, and my right isn’t all that great either. I’ve experienced mild discomfort after prolonged sessions on the PSP before, but this game is definitely worse than most. So take frequent breaks.
Now, the good: it’s a fun game, with lots of cute, imaginative graphics, plenty of action, plenty of things to explore, and a great sound track. For those of you who haven’t seen Katamari games, you play the Prince (or one of his cousins), a diminutive little costumed guy, who is the son of the King of the Cosmos. You push a small ball around (the Katamari) and it’s sticky: if an object is small enough, it will stick to the ball. If the object is too big, you’ll bonk against it, and maybe it will knock objects off. As the ball gets bigger, bigger and bigger objects will stick to it. You begin by picking up little tacks, dice, and matches. You end up (at the very end) picking up supertankers, mountains, and the Eiffel Tower. It’s amazingly addicting for such a simple game, which really is due to its imaginativity and unique character.
Oh, one interesting bonus: when you complete all the levels, it enables an “8-bit” version of the game, with 2D side scrolling graphics, that is just hilarious.
I enjoyed it a lot. It’s the first game that I actually wholeheartedly recommend for the PSP. 9/10!
[tags]PSP,Me and My Katamari,Katamari Damacy,Game Review[/tags]
Comment from Josh Bancroft
Time 5/24/2006 at 4:49 pm
I loved Me and My Katamari, too. My favorite game for the PSP. I’m looking forward to Roco Loco – seems to be similar, and crazy.
We really do mirror each other in gadget habits, don’t we? 🙂
Comment from Soren
Time 5/26/2006 at 1:52 pm
Yep, those were my friends! jD is the guy in the blue shirt in the foreground with the yellow pipe on his head. I was on the fish team, running the other way.
Comment from Soren
Time 5/24/2006 at 1:48 pm
You’d probably get a kick out of John Daniel, my modeler friend at Tippett, who captained Team Katamari at this year’s Bay to Breakers.
Editor’s note: You mean these guys? They were awesome.