Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphs

A Mayan Glyph

I was trying to dust off some of my books (mostly unread and completely unabsorbed) about the Maya Calendar, and ran across Mesoweb Resources, which includes a nice introduction to Mayan hieroglyphics in PDF form that you can download and study. Nifty.


5 thoughts on “Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphs

  1. rebekah

    I got a cartouche of my name in mayan. When online dont see any letter ‘r’. do you know where i can find the alphabet? dont see my hieroglyphics anywhere.

  2. Ben

    There is no letter ‘r’. The Mayan glyphs aren’t alphabetic; they are syllabic. Meaning they convert to a syllable instead of a letter.

  3. marco

    hi im looking for the clouses translation for MY BLOD IS MAYAN in mayan glyphs

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