Daytime Satellite Pass, with some image processing…

December 1, 2007 | Amateur Radio, Amateur Science, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Well, I was awake for a decent daytime pass of NOAA17, so I wandered out into my front yard, and recorded the pass. It was a westward pass, covering from Canada all the way down to Baja California in the south, and was reasonably noise free over a great amount of it. I hauled it into gimp and did a bit of judicious image editing, and this is what I came up with:
Daytime Pass of NOAA17

I consider this to be pretty darned good for as ad-hoc as my approach to satellite reception actually is.


Comment from bryan turner
Time 12/17/2007 at 1:31 pm

great blog site mate,trying same noaa thing here in the UK
SOMERSET ENGLAND using WX-SAT decoder through uniden 785 scanner getting something but still trying to figure out parameters in wx-sat got any tips

cheers mate