Plan 13, in Python

January 13, 2008 | Amateur Radio, Amateur Science, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Well, I’ve made some headway on a project that I thought would be cool to write: porting G3RUH’s Plan 13 Satellite Prediction algorithm to a more palateable language than BASIC. I chose python, and it appears to be mostly working. It reads in the TLE orbital elements (same ones I use in “predict” or “gpredict”) and then allows you to create a bunch of satellite objects, and query their positions over time.

Here’s a screendump of a simple test program that I was running this morning:

Monitoring Satellites Using Python Plan13

Satellites which are above the horizon are marked in bold. They are sorted by elevation. The datafields displayed are elevation, azimuth, latitude and longitude of the subsatellite point, velocity, the Doppler velocity, and the frequency of a signal Doppler shifted from 435.845Mhz (just a value I did to check, since I was using PolySat CP3 at the time, which has APRS telemetry downlinked on that frequency). The code requires some additional cleanup, and once I have it all ready to go and documented, I’ll make it available. I think it will have a lot of uses.


Comment from Lloyd
Time 9/10/2013 at 6:17 am

did you finish it looking for ISS pass predictor to make automated recorder?

Comment from Mike
Time 5/20/2015 at 12:36 pm

Hi, is it possible to download the python code for Plan 13? I’ve just started learning Python and as a Ham, Plan 13 code would probably hold my interest in learning how the languge works, 🙂