Loy’s Checkers Problems
I was looking for some more difficult checkers positions to test my checker program milhouse against. Jim Loy’s excellent page has a list of difficult ones. Unlike the typical puzzles I have in my Encylopedia of Checkers Puzzles by Pike, these aren’t the kind of puzzles you typically find in 10 ply. In particular, his puzzle #2 was marked as “difficult”, and was a “cook” of a position thought to be a draw. Interestingly enough, my checkers program, as feeble as its evaluation function is, seems to find the winning line for Red with a 15 ply search.
Puzzle Jim Loy, Puzzle #2 loaded. Color is set to red. White +--------+ | - w - -| |w - - w | | w r - w| |w w - w | | w r - w| |r - r - | | - r - r| |- r r r | +--------+ Red milhouse: depth 15 search depth is now 15 milhouse: annotate 1-6 : -359 2-6 : -61 3-8 : -425 5-9 : -111 7-11 : -180 10-14 : -239 15-18 : -119 23-26 : 124 23-27 : -40 milhouse: playout 1. 23-26 [ 124] 31x22 [ -119] 2. 2-6 [ 182] 16-11 [ -181] 3. 7x23 [ 188] 24-19 [ -187] 4. 15x24 [ 238] 28x19 [ -237] 5. 10-14 [ 239] 17x10 [ -239] 6. 6x24 [ 242] 22-18 [ -241] 7. 24-27 [ 244] 13-9 [ -235] 8. 5x14 [ 261] 18x9 [ -233] 9. 27-31 [ 237] 25-22 [ -202] 10. 31-26 [ 251] 22-18 [ -251] White +--------+ | - - - -| |- - R - | | - r - w| |w - w - | | - - - -| |r - - w | | - - - -| |- r - r | +--------+ Red milhouse: playout 1. 26-22 [ 251] 18-15 [ -249] 2. 23-27 [ 271] 15-11 [ -312] 3. 22-18 [ 313] 21-17 [ -264] 4. 18-15 [ 267] 11-8 [ -267] 5. 27-31 [ 312] 8-4 [ -269] 6. 15-11 [ 335] 17-13 [ -341] 7. 31-27 [ 342] 9-6 [ -342] 8. 1x10 [ 346] 13-9 [ -346] 9. 12-16 [ 346] 9-6 [ -346] 10. 27-24 [ 352] 6-1 [ -352] White +--------+ | - - - -| |- - - - | | R - - -| |w - - - | | r - - -| |- R r - | | - - - -| |W r - W | +--------+ Red milhouse: playout 1. 16-19 [ 352] 1-5 [ -354] 2. 19-23 [ 377] 5-1 [ -375] 3. 23-26 [ 393] 1-5 [ -400] 4. 26-30 [ 401] 5-9 [ -450] 5. 24-19 [ 401] 9-5 [ -451] 6. 30-25 [ 521] 5-1 [ -656] 7. 10-14 [ 656] 20-16 [-9986] 8. 11x20 [ 9987] 4-8 [-9988] 9. 3x12 [ 9989] 1-6 [-9990] 10. 19-15 [ 9991] 6-9 [-9992] White +--------+ | - - - -| |- - - R | | - - - -| |R - - - | | - R r -| |r - - W | | - - - -| |- - - - | +--------+ Red milhouse: playout 1. 15-10 [ 9993] 9x18 [-9994] 2. 20-24 [ 9995] 18-23 [-9996] 3. 24-19 [ 9997] 23x16 [-9998] 4. 12x19 [ 9999] White +--------+ | - - - -| |- - - R | | - - - -| |- r - - | | - - - -| |- - R - | | - - - -| |- - - - | +--------+ Red milhouse:
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…