I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
A Practical Guide to Sous Vide Cooking
Okay, I’ll admit it: I like cooking, and I’ve begun to read a bit upon the subject of so-called “molecular gastronomy”. I was also watching Iron Chef America, and saw (not for the first time) a chef use the “sous vide” technique of cooking: where a protein is sealed in a vacuum bag and placed in a temperature controlled water bath to cook. This is an interesting technique because it prevents eggs and meats from being overcooked, even with very long cooking times. The temperature simply never rises high enough to cause the chemical reactions which overcooking typically causes. You can (for instance) place eggs in 148 degree Fahrenheit water for 75 minutes, and they won’t overcook. If you place an egg in 135 degree Fahrenheit water for at least 75 minutes, you can pasteurize an egg (it won’t solidify).
Anyway, there is a lot to this, and I’d been thinking I should look up more details on this technique. And of course, the Internet delivers.
A Practical Guide to Sous Vide Cooking.
Lots of interesting stuff here, including instructions on cooking beef, pork, fish and eggs, and important food safety considerations.
Don’t worry, I’ll be back to radio stuff soon.
Comment from Kendall Bulter
Time 3/7/2010 at 2:30 pm
Would you please translate your blog into German since I’m not that comfortable reading it in English? I’m getting tired of using Google Translate all the time, there is a little WordPress plugin called like global translator which will translate all your articles automatically- this would make reading articleson your great blog even more cosy. Cheers mate, Kendall Bulter!
Comment from Mandy
Time 1/31/2010 at 3:53 pm
The exciting news is anybody with a rice cooker or crockpot can practice the fine arts of sous vide cooking with a temperature controller like SousVideMagic available from freshmealssolutions.com.