I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Basics-Picavet – Kite Aerial Photography Electronic Resources
I might have an opportunity in a couple of weeks to go do some kite flying at an upcoming picnic, and I thought that I might give a quick try at quick and dirty kite photography. After all, I’ve been musing about lofting a camera up high using a weather balloon, so why not start with elevations of just a few hundred feet? I haven’t given this much study or thought, but I know that designing an appropriate rig for attaching the camera to the line is a key element. My idea is to loft my old Canon SD1100 on a little gadget which is known as (I had to look it up) a Picavet. It’s a fiendishly simple and clever device for keeping the camera basically level while attached to the kite string. Check it out:
Basics-Picavet – Kite Aerial Photography Electronic Resources – KAPER
I’ll probably tack this together sometime next week after a quick trip to the hardware store. Stay tuned for pictures.
Comment from W4BSD
Time 7/30/2010 at 4:57 am
Dang Mark! (x2)
I started following your RSS feed because of one of the python scripts you pulled out. I’m a python beginner, and I like looking at other folks’ methods. Then I realized your were an amateur operator, so those feeds were interesting, and THEN you pull out stuff like this. Truly amazing! 🙂 Keep the good stuff coming!
de W4BSD
Comment from Gus
Time 7/31/2010 at 1:39 am
Interesting stuff, reminds me of my 110 camera rocket (remember those), got a few pictures but never really worked that good..
Comment from Bob
Time 7/29/2010 at 9:23 pm
Dang Mark,
That is just neat as it can be! The Picavet is simple, elegant and obviously very functional. Looks like something that will be a load of fun to try. Appreciate the blog.
Bob, AD7BP