Arduino + DS1307 Real Time Clock

Okay, this is no big deal: lots of people have done it before. But while I was watching TV, I soldered some header pins to the DS1307 based real time clock board I got from , and coded up this simple program to read the time from it. I’d never really used the Wire library, but it’s pretty straightforward. I plugged the board into a breadboard, jumpered it into the Arduino, and with a bit of tweaking, it works.

[sourcecode lang=”C”]

#include <Wire.h>
#define DS1307_I2C_ADDRESS (0x68)

byte h, htmp, m, s ;
byte dow, dom ;
byte mn, yr ;

BCDToDEC(byte val)
return (val >> 4) * 10 + (val & 0xf) ;

Wire.beginTransmission(DS1307_I2C_ADDRESS) ;
Wire.send(0x0) ;
Wire.endTransmission() ;

Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_I2C_ADDRESS, 7) ;

s = BCDToDEC(Wire.receive() & 0x7f) ;
m = BCDToDEC(Wire.receive()) ;
htmp = Wire.receive() ;
dow = BCDToDEC(Wire.receive()) ;
dom = BCDToDEC(Wire.receive()) ;
mn = BCDToDEC(Wire.receive()) ;
yr = BCDToDEC(Wire.receive()) ;

if (htmp & (1<<6)) {
/* 12 hour mode… */
h = BCDToDEC(htmp&0x1F) ;
} else {
/* 24 hour mode… */
h = BCDToDEC(htmp&0x3F) ;

if (h < 10) Serial.print("0") ;
Serial.print(h, DEC) ;

Serial.print(":") ;
if (m < 10)
Serial.print("0") ;
Serial.print(m, DEC) ;
Serial.print(":") ;
if (s < 10)
Serial.print("0") ;
Serial.print(s, DEC) ;

if (htmp & (1<<6)) {
if (htmp & (1<<5))
Serial.print("PM") ;
Serial.print("AM") ;
Serial.print(" ") ;

Serial.print(mn, DEC) ;
Serial.print("/") ;
Serial.print(dom, DEC) ;
Serial.print("/") ;
Serial.print(yr, DEC) ;
Serial.print("\n") ;

Wire.begin() ;
Serial.begin(9600) ;

doDate() ;
delay(1000) ;

Nothing earth shattering here. Eventually, I want my beacon controller to have a real time clock, and this seemed like a good way to go. Having a reasonably accurate real time clock means that I can make my beacon send WSPR messages, which start at the beginning of even numbered minutes on the hour. Baby steps.

4 thoughts on “Arduino + DS1307 Real Time Clock

  1. Kenneth Finnegan

    Also note that if you need better accuracy than the DS1307, the DS3232 is a software drop-in replacement for it (Same I2C address and register mapping), and will get you an order of magnitude (20ppm to 2ppm). You’d probably have to leave it running for a long time before you’d notice, but still; FYI.

  2. Ben Pharr, WF5N

    FYI, with 20ppm accuracy, your RTC could lose or gain as much as 1.7 seconds per day, which could get you out of sync with respect to WSPR pretty quickly. Maybe a WWVB receiver is in order?

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