I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
The battle with weight begins anew…
Back in 2004, I blogged that I was joining Weight Watchers. Over the next year or so, I shed about seventy pounds, but then reached a stalling point where further weight loss seemed impossible. This frustration ultimately caused me to stop going.
My weight held for a while, but over the years (and recently at an accelerated pace) my weight has returned, so now nearly 8 years later, I’m back in the same position again. Blood pressure up. Cholesterol up. Weight up. And eight years older. So, it’s back to Weight Watchers again. It’s not without it’s drawbacks (for one, being outnumbered by women at meetings by 25 to 1) but it is fundamentally quite reasonable, and I’ve had success with it before.
Today, I’ll merely list my weight at 1.0 (measured in normalized brainwagon units). As we go forward, my hope is to update you with smaller fractional values. Wish me luck.
Comment from Eric
Time 3/15/2012 at 12:43 am
Weight watchers feels so obsolete. To me it is quite easy to loose weight, just avoid all sugar/carbs incl. pasta, potatoes, bread etc. and only eat ‘real’ food.
Maybe you might find this article interesting too:
73 and good luck, Eric SA5BKE
Comment from Matt
Time 3/4/2012 at 8:02 pm
Good luck Mark on your mass reduction effort! It’s worth it!