A 6M beacon using the NT7S’s Si5351 board…
This morning, the Tweeti-verse (I can’t believe I just used that word) informed me that Thomas, LA3PNA had constructed a VHF beacon using the Si5351, and I was tagged as somehow helping:
VHF beacon with the Si5351.
code: https://t.co/OkgZXKFSKc ,
video: http://t.co/hbZl9F76Aj
based on code from @brainwagon @NT7S
— Thomas S Knutsen (@la3pna) March 9, 2015
Sure enough, I’m getting lots of mileage out of the very simple Morse generating code that I posted a while back. But the real star of this was Jason Mildrum (NT7S) and his awesome little Si5351 breakout board that he designed and made available via Indiegogo, as well as a nice little Arduino library to control the board. For those of you who don’t follow this stuff, the Si5351 is a nifty little board that is capable of generating three frequencies at once under the control of a microcontroller like the Arduino. Guys like Jason and Pete Juliani, N6QW, have been experimenting using this device as the basis for frequency generation in a variety of experimental radios. I received my kit last week, and hope to get the board up and running this week. Stay tuned!
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…