Archive for category: Brainwagon Radio

All the episodes of Brainwagon Radio, the podcast of

Brainwagon Radio: Bay Fung Tong Restaurant

May 5, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering

Where your host waxes philosophical about crab as he visits the Bay Fung Tong Restaurant on the occasion of Sam’s birthday. Also, my upcoming weekend as a SIGGRAPH sketch juror.

Brainwagon Radio: Oroboros

May 3, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering

A bonus podcast, relating mostly why I’m neither excited nor dismayed by commercial podcasting ventures. Just a short one piggybacking on my previous one.

Brainwagon Radio: A Brief Jaunt To Reno

May 3, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering

Where your host finally gets around to recording another podcast detailing his brief weekend trip to Reno. Find out what sports book kind of blows, which ones are okay, and what hotel had rooms overlooking the scenic air conditioner on the roof. You can also find out what I’m doing this weekend and what I […]

Brainwagon Radio: Blackjack, Hold’em and Gambling

April 19, 2005 | Brainwagon Radio, Games and Diversions | By: Mark VandeWettering

Where your host expounds about his largely academic interest in games of chance. Links: ::amazon(“0394703103”, “Beat the Dealer, by Ed Thorp”):: The classic, pick up a copy and read on the flight to Vegas. You can and should read his Mathematics of Gambling as well, especially since it’s available online for free. ::amazon(“0929712137”, “The Theory […]

Brainwagon Radio: Opening Day for the Athletics

April 16, 2005 | Baseball, Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering

It’s been a couple of days since opening night for the Athletics, and it’s taken me a couple of days to stitch together the bits of audio I recorded into an Opening Day Podcast. While the A’s were smacked around, I did have a great time and you might find some of the sounds of […]

Brainwagon Radio: World Poker Tour Game, Sin City, and Acronis True Image

April 6, 2005 | Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering

Where your host reviews a cool $20 video game, World Poker Tour by Toymax, gives his mixed (even muddled) opinion on ::google(“sin city”,”Sin City”)::, and a thumbs up for Acronis True Image disk cloning software. Still have gmail and Yahoo! 360 invites available, mail me if you want one. Additional gratuitous links: I bought the […]

Brainwagon Radio: April Fool’s Day and Sweet and Sour Bitter Melon

April 1, 2005 | Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering

Where your host talks about his experience with Chinese calligraphy, relates a timely story about MIT hackers Gosper and Greenblatt and their attempts to get a good chinese meal, and reviews a couple of plugins for WordPress. Links: dynamic-text-replace is a plugin that you can use to automatically insert useful links using simple macros. Check […]

Brainwagon Radio: SCOTUS on Grokster, Copyrights and itsyBSD

March 30, 2005 | Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering

Where your host records another podcast on his way to work, and encounters a particularly gruesome bit of road kill along the way. Still, I have time to give you updates on the Supreme Court’s review of the Grokster case, the ongoing debate over copyrights on orphaned works, and a brief update on my success […]

Brainwagon Radio: Robogames 2005 and the ATI X700 Pro

March 27, 2005 | Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering

I haven’t gotten a lot done this afternoon, but I did record a podcast which described some of the fun we had at Robogames 2005 (check yesterdays blog entry for pictures) and a brief description of my new graphics card: an ATI X700 Pro which replaces the old X300 SE card in my Windows Media […]

Brainwagon Radio: Scrappy Update, The Schiavo Case, and Barry Bonds…

March 24, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Baseball, Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering

Using my Dell PDA to record podcasts while on the way to work is strangely addicting. Here’s another one that features an update on my cat Scrappy and his recovery from his fisticuffs with another cat, my thoughts on the Schiavo case, and my disgust with Barry Bonds. Barry, you’ll get no huzzahs from me […]

Brainwagon Radio: Scrappy, Live CDs and Misc…

March 22, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering

Well, today’s mobile podcast is dominated by a report on the health of my kitty. I know, I know, podcasting about your pets, how cliché is that? But I’ve spent the last 48 hours worrying about the little fuzzball, so this is what you get for subscribing… 🙂 I do have a few tiny bits […]

Brainwagon Radio: Live CD, The Incredibles DVD and the Ring, Two

March 20, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering

A short short 12 minute podcast recorded in my home “studio”, which includes updates on building a LiveCD, the release of The Incredibles DVD, and our quickie movie review of The Ring, Two.

Brainwagon Radio: Live Linux CDs!

March 16, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering

Another mobile podcast, recorded with my Dell Axim x50v PDA and Resco Audio Recorder. This morning I chat a bit about various LiveCDs on Linux, and muse about the possibility of a specialized LiveCD for podcasting. Links from the show: Knoppix is probably the best known Linux LiveCD. Daniel Barlow’s Linux Journal article talks about […]

Brainwagon Radio: Robots, robots, and rigid body simulation

March 14, 2005 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, General | By: Mark VandeWettering

This week I was too busy over the weekend, so I recorded this podcast using my Dell Axim x50v PDA while driving to work. It was recorded using the Resco Audio Recorder which was recommended by Josh over at TinyScreenfuls, and I must admit: it kicks ass. It allows me to record in .mp3, .ogg […]

Brainwagon Radio: Sans Wife, Robots, Junk and Books

March 6, 2005 | Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering

Well, my wife is in San Antonio for her niece’s wedding, so I’m back to my normal nerd talk. I spent yesterday in Sunnyvale/San Jose looking for junk to help with my robotics project, and picked up a couple of books. Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL by McReynolds and Blythe Game Physics by David Eberly […]

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