Category Archives: General

HF Volmet Broadcasts

While tuning around below the 30m band on my FT-817, I heard a rather loud and clear weather broadcast on 10.051Mhz. It turned out to be a “VOLMET” broadcast from New York. These broadcasts are apparently provided for aviation purposes. Here is a page which lists the various broadcasts:

HF Volmet Broadcasts

I went down to 8.858Mhz to see if I could hear the broadcasts from Honolulu that covered the west coast of the United States. I could!

VOLMET broadcast from Honolulu on 8.858Mhz

Ironically, just before this I was listening to the aviation warnings for Alaska, and heard a volcanic ash warning from the Aleutian volcano, Mount Cleveland. I thought it was cool enough to fire up Google Earth and see where that was. It’s pretty cool actually.

Happy Birthday, Brainwagon

On this day in 2002, I made my first posting to this blog. If any of you have hung around since then, you will see that it’s gone through a number of twists and turns, just as my own interests have twisted and turned throughout the last six years. I wonder what people have learned about me in the 2,730 posts that I have made here in that time. Sure, you know a bit about what interests me, but my blog isn’t really about my private life so much. Still, I wonder how much of that is revealed from what I type here.

Ever since I added the “on this date” section to the right, each morning I’m reminded of something that I did, or learned, or thought was interesting on the same date in previous years. It’s an oddly comforting and useful thing, to be forced to return to the past for just a few seconds each day, to recall what was going on in one’s head.

Today? I’m worried about my trip to San Antonio to go visit my son who will be finishing up basic training in the Air Force. My car battery seemed to be completely dead yesterday, but after charging seems fine today. Carmen is still looking for a job. Will any of this still be relevent a year from now when this anniversary comes around again?

Probably not.

Scrappy has the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Well, I suppose I should have seen this as coming. Our adopted feral friend Scrappy has been fighting off a skin infection, and we have had him on antibiotics for the last two weeks, and he went back in for testing, where they test for, among other things, FIV antibodies.

Scrappy tested positive.

It makes me sad. He’s a wonderful cat.

Re: Bandwidth, iTunes, and iPhone activation…

As I’m sitting here with my iPhone, eagerly (and as yet vainly) waiting for it to be reactivated via the iTunes store, I was trying to figure out what the failure mode was that allowed this kind of (by appearances on the iPhone support forum, and news from various bloggers who are in line to buy new 3g iPhone) serious problem to occur.

Here’s the deal: preceding each and every iPhone upgrade, there would appear to be a needed iTunes 7.7 upgrade. This upgrade itself was sizeable (to be honest, didn’t mark down the size). Then, the iPhone 2.0 firmware update had to be downloaded, which was 218Mb additional. These downloads were accomplished without incident. But then you go to activate the phone… and… problems.

Let’s say just consider the firmware update. 218Mbytes let’s say takes… one minute. That’s about what it took for me via comcast. Whatever the rate of new customers getting this update are, they are able to keep up with this load. But they are not able to process the load of (presumably) getting a small amount of information back and forth to your phone to activate it in the same one minute time frame.

In a way, I guess that it isn’t too surprising: after all, web servers which are optimized to serve up static content are very, very fast. Back when I used to run thttpd, it could saturate 10Mb ethernet links running on a 486. But it also suggests that Apple should have realized the assymetry, and throttled downloads to allow their downstream processes to keep pace. It would have avoided a lot of frustration.

Me? My iPhone is still bricked into emergency only mode, and now I’m getting -4 errors from the iTunes store. Patience is a virtue. My phone lives again!

iPhone 2.0 update… in progress! HOLD OFF FOR NOW Well, mine works now.

My cat woke me up before 6:00AM this morning to remind me that today was the Apple 3G iPhone release date. Buying a new phone isn’t in the cards right now, but I suspected that there might be the 2.0 firmware update for my old phone. Sure enough, I powered up the laptop and got a notice that there was a new 7.7 iTunes update. Downloaded it, installed it, plugged in my iphone, check for updates, and…

Nuthin. Still 1.1.4.

Hmmph. Shutdown iTunes, restarted it. Checked for updates.

Eureka! 2.0 currently downloading, 218Mb.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

Addendum: All the cycling of “backup, installing, verifying”, seemed to go reasonably smoothly. Now my phone is in a state where it seems to need to talk to iTunes, and the iTunes needs to talk to the iTunes store, but it’s just not connecting. I’m guessing their servers for unlocking are currently completely swamped because of the 3G release. I’m trying to be patient.

Addendum2: Frown. Now my phone is in the mode where it can apparently make emergency calls, but it is requesting to be connected to iTunes. When I do so, I get this:


I suspect this magic error code is just that it’s activation servers are overloaded, but I’m not very happy.

Addendum3: It appears that my surmise was correct. Going to Apple’s support forums:

Forum about bricked iPhones..

Confirms that lots of people are having this magic “-9838” issue, and that Apple has confirmed that it was for inadequate bandwidth on their end. Sigh. I’m gonna go take a shower.

Addendum4: Word of the day:


Apparently word is spreading that activations are just horribly slow. My own iPhone has gone from having that -9838 message, to just spinning endlessly, waiting for the iTunes store. As Henry Jones would say, “Our situation has not improved!”

Addendum5: Around noon (after about six hours), my iPhone finally phoned home and I know have a working iPhone again. More later.

Decoding LO-19 Telemetry Again

A while ago, I used my FM ht to decode telemetry from LO-19. So, I decided to give it a try again (getting bored with SEEDS). Here’s the result:

                 131 176 117 187 111 174 147 156

Channel                 Formula                 Value
CH 1: +5 volts          (639/x)                 +4.88 volts
CH 2: +10 volts         (0.064*x)               +11.26 volts
CH 3: Cw xmtr. temp.    0.353*(134.7-x)         6.25 deg. C
CH 4: Output power TX   ((10.9+x)^2)/40.1       976 mw
CH 5: Box temp #4.      0.356*(136-x)           8.9 deg. C
CH 6: +10 v current     0.7*x                   122 ma
CH 7: +Z voltage panel  0.15*x                  22.1 volts
CH 8: +8.5 voltage      0.056*x                 +8.74 volts