Folding T-Shirts
If you haven’t mastered the cool Japanese way of folding T-shirts, you could always watch this video (complete with Nintendo soundtrack) on making a jig out of cardboard to help out. Formidable!
"There is much pleasure in useless knowledge." — Bertrand Russell
If you haven’t mastered the cool Japanese way of folding T-shirts, you could always watch this video (complete with Nintendo soundtrack) on making a jig out of cardboard to help out. Formidable!
Check out these cool landscape photos by Olivo Barbieri. He takes photos of landscapes, and then modifies them to make them look as if they were pictures of tiny models. They give a very curious case of perspective. Addendum: Juan read more carefully than I, and explains that these are shot with a tilt-shift lens. […]
Bitchin’. The A’s pick up White Sox veteran Frank Thomas for a one year deal. He gets a guaranteed $500,000, plus up to $2.6 million in bonuses if he says healthy through the season. The White Sox cast the veteran adrift in 2005 because of his injuries. That’s really the big question: will we get […]
Courtesy of, here’s just about the simplest motor that I can imagine. Only 4 parts (battery, wire, screw, magnet). Too cool. [tags]Science Fair[/tags]
Well, I spent $40 for the Windows Mobile 5 upgrade for my Dell, and it’s been a pain in the ass ever since. Apparently I’m not alone, since now Dell officially lists a downgrade for the Axim: yep, it’s back to 2003 SE for the little guy. Maybe it will stop blinking its stupid LED, […]
Honestly, just click the link. I hope sometime to have the necessary creativity and freetime to come up with this kind of project to while away the hours of my life. Sketchblog » Blog Archive » Illustration Friday: Cats [tags]Cat,Cute[/tags]
The blogosphere (can’t believe I’m using this word) is abuzz this morning with the notion that Disney is going to acquire Pixar. Technorati Search: Pixar and Disney Slashdot Story To all my friends bugging me via email, asking me for the scoop, I suspect you’ll know what’s really up before me. 🙂 [tags]Disney,Pixar[/tags]
No more clumsy dropdowns! Another first second bold innovation, well, feature from Google. And, predictably, their stock is down over 10 today. 🙂 [tags]Google,Google Mail[/tags] Gmail includes Delete button, users rejoice – Lifehacker
I’ve seen a lot of projects like this, but this one has some nice twists: they modify a cheap router that runs the OpenWRT firmware to open up one of the internal serial ports to connect it to the cell phone via a cheap data cable, and then add a bunch scripts to make ppp […]
I’m fascinated with low budget film making, so I was interested in this Wired article I found on Digg. Director Roger Ingraham is a mere 19 years old, dropped out of school, wrote a script, and shot the film Moonshine using volunteers on a total budget of $9200. This week (starting today, if I’m not […]
I’ve got Realplayer fired up and watching NASA TV and the impending launch of the Atlas V launch vehicle that will carry the NASA New Horizons probe. They are currently holding at T minus 4 minutes, and have rescheduled to a new launch window at 1:45EST. Apparently there are some issues with wind gusting above […]
You can download a number of books on the Oberon system, designed at the Compter Systems Institute at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. This project was launched in 1985 by Niklaus Wirth and Jurg Gutknect to build a single user, multi-tasking operating system from scratch. The resulting software is available under a straightforward BSD-like […]
As some of you might know, I’m fascinated by psuedoscience. When I was a young child, I had a deep interest in all sorts of strange stuff. I remember reading Von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods and musing about ancient astronauts. I read books about UFOs. I read books about pyramid power. ESP. But, by […]
Some of you Apple/Mac people might want to get in on the fun Google Earth action, now you can: it’s been released for OS X. Official Google Blog: Google Earth in a Mac world (PC too) [tags]Apple,Google,Google Earth,Mapping[/tags]
Here’s something faintly interesting I noticed while scanning my logs at Back in March of last year, I lamented that 60% of my readers used IE to read this blog, and told you all to get over to Firefox and download a reasonable standards based browser. Today, we have the following graph: Only 30% […]
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…