Still more anaglyphs…
A bit racier, but kind of cool. Wish the source material had a bit better dynamic range.
"There is much pleasure in useless knowledge." — Bertrand Russell
A bit racier, but kind of cool. Wish the source material had a bit better dynamic range.
This is tuned to be a little less eye straining, I think.
If you’ve got a pair of red/blue stereo glasses, try looking at the ones below: I’ll comment more on how I made these later.
clipclip seems cools This remote control seems promising I should experiment with simulated evolution. Google may be powerful, but it isn’t always obvious how to use it. Soople seems to help you out.
This week’s episode of Mythbuster attacks this Japanese gameshow video showing a would-be astronaut launched by pressurized water rockets. For those who haven’t seen the episode, I’ll refrain from giving away the ending. Still, it’s kind of strange: I’ve seen a couple of links in the last few days to water bottle rocketry: Water Rockets, […]
Look at this dump from the system monitor on my box at work: This box has a staggering 4gb of memory, and half of it is listed as occupied, and I’m not running any applications of my own. I mean honestly, a clock applet requiring 119 megabytes? The mixer, 133 megabytes? The panel, 135 megabytes? […]
A couple of days ago I published some images that I made by shooting video of a shiny metallic juggling ball. I went out yesterday in search of a better reflector. I visited a couple of specialty industrial suppliers, hoping to score some nice shiny ball bearings, maybe 2″ in diameter. Unfortunately, 1″ ball bearings […]
I was scanning the right sidebar of my blog to see what ballplayers were born today, and uncovered what I (at first) thought must be a bug. Two players, both named “Mark Corey”, born on November 3rd. But wait, born in two different years. It turns out that the 1955 version of Mark Corey was […]
I’ve been meaning to do a unique (well, fairly unique) hack for a while. I’ve had the database of major league baseball players from The Baseball Archive loaded in mysql for a while, and I’ve thought of creating a little sidebar gadget that shows all the major leaguers who were born on today’s date. Well, […]
On October 30th, 1938, Orson Wells’ Mercury Theater broadcast what is quite likely the most famous radio play ever created: his own version of the classic H.G. Wells story The War of the Worlds. On the occasion of Halloween, and corresponding to the current opposition of Mars, it seems like an appropriate treat would be […]
Holy crap, it’s been a month since I published my last podcast. But today I managed to corner my wife in the car and we recorded a brief 10 minute podcast, largely consisting of a review of the new video iPod. She gives her impressions of the iPod, how she’s using it, and the success […]
Well, I have achieved a modest amount of success! Yesterday, I burned my first EPROM for my Atari 2600 project. After figuring out what I was stupidly doing wrong, it worked without problem, and I stuck the chip into my Atari Age carrier board, stuffed it into the Atari 2600, and, it worked! Just like […]
I was watching the previously mentioned MPEG of The Phantom of the Opera with an eye toward cleaning up it, and found that by and large, it really is dreadful. The transfer seems very poorly focussed, so getting any reasonable detail out of it seemed difficult. But, I thought I’d experiment anyway. I extracted five […]
From Craig on our internal Pixar science mailing list: Mr Angry and Mrs Calm.
Well, after spending five or so hours watching the game on Tuesday, I really didn’t feel like investing the same amount of time watching what proved to be the final game in the Series last night, but the Sox managed to pull it off: the sweep was completed against the Astros in their home stadium. […]
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…