Archive for category: My Photos

Monkeying around with the Lytro Camera…

April 25, 2015 | Cameras, My Photos, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

A couple of people on my twitter feed yesterday (aside: I tweet using @brainwagon, and passed 5000 tweets yesterday) had questions about how this light field camera worked, how fast the sensor was, how long it takes to acquire the image, etc… While this is the first Lytro camera I’ve ever had the time to […]

Got a first generation (obsolete!) Lytro Camera…

April 24, 2015 | My Photos, Optics | By: Mark VandeWettering

I spent a couple years of my life working on a light field motion picture camera (and got named on two patents) as part of my former work, so I’ve been interested in light field photography and computational photography more generally. The company Lytro was basically the first to market such a device, and recently […]

Skeleton of a motion detecting video capture program for the Raspberry Pi + Camera…

April 10, 2015 | My Photos, Raspberry Pi | By: Mark VandeWettering

Last week I was playing around with using “motion-mmal” to capture pictures of hummingbirds feeding at my feeder. That was fun, but if I wanted to get high resolution pictures, I could not get very high frame rates (maybe 2-5 fps at best). I thought that perhaps by writing my own capture application in C, […]

Morning visit by a hummingbird…

April 4, 2015 | My Photos, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

I know, I know, it’s probably getting a little repetitive and boring. But I’m still getting a kick out of my motion capturing hummingbird camera. Improvements are coming.

Another hummingbird shows up on the camera…

April 1, 2015 | My Photos, My Projects, Raspberry Pi | By: Mark VandeWettering

When I got home today, it appeared that I had a few more images from my hummingbird cam. Luckily, I got several nice frames of him her (probably), so I put them together into an animated GIF. Nifty. When I get a chance to do more stuff on it this weekend, I hope to get […]

Motion Detecting Hummingbird Camera: Prototype

March 28, 2015 | My Photos, My Projects, Raspberry Pi | By: Mark VandeWettering

I like to see hummingbirds. They seem completely incredible to me, like little hyper Swiss Watches, buzzing around the garden. I’ve seen a few of them in our yard, but I’ve been meaning to encourage them showing up more, so I recently installed a feeder. While the syrup level has gone down, I have never […]

Two more pictures from my foamcore 4×5 camera…

July 8, 2014 | My Photos, My Projects, Optics, Photography, Photos | By: Mark VandeWettering

Here are two more photos I took at last night’s camera workshop. I wanted to take something slightly more beautiful than a selfie, so I chose the Luxo statue outside the Steve Jobs building at Pixar, and some white flowers from the garden. Both were taken rather late in the day, under partly cloudy skies […]

The legendary Ray Harryhausen dies at 92…

May 7, 2013 | My Photos, News | By: Mark VandeWettering

It is with a sense of deep sadness that I heard of the passing of Ray Harryhausen this morning. If I were to pick two things which influenced me as a kid growing up in the 1960s, it would have been the Apollo Space Program and the films of Ray Harryhausen, although at no time […]

Fare thee well, Endeavour…

September 21, 2012 | My Diary, My Photos, My Stories | By: Mark VandeWettering

Here in the Bay Area, the Space Shuttle Endeavour did a victory lap, passing over Sacramento, the Golden Gate and many other Bay Area locations. Pixar Animation Studios is in Emeryville, quite close to the Bay Bridge, so I thought we had a pretty good chance of getting a good view. Sadly, all my good […]

Demo of Enigma and the Turing Bombe at Bletchley Park

March 15, 2011 | Amateur Radio, Cryptography, My Photos, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Carmen and I just got back from a trip to London, and we had a blast. One of the geekiest things we did while there was to take a day trip by train out to Bletchley Park to see the site of the codebreaking efforts by the British during WWII. As any long time reader […]

Wall-E gets a Golden Globe

January 11, 2009 | Movies, My Photos, Pixar Animation Studios | By: Mark VandeWettering

I don’t spend much time talking about my day job here on the blog, but every once in a while, I have to take time out and crow a bit about Pixar and what a great place it is to work. Tonight, Wall-E picked up a Golden Globe for Best Animated Film. It was also […]


July 9, 2008 | My Photos | By: Mark VandeWettering

My wife noticed a mommy and daddy quail at our fence, with a whole bunch of babies squabbling around in the grass at the bottom. Couldn’t get any good pictures of the babies, but shot this video of the parents: Not sure the autofocus got the quails as well as they could have, here is […]


January 6, 2008 | My Photos | By: Mark VandeWettering

As a break from my amateur radio posts, here’s a photography one! Most of my photographs are cool largely by accident. This is no exception. Well, that’s not quite true, I was sort of trying for this effect, but it turned out much better than I could have expected. It’s shot with the Night Portrait […]

PAP2 Acquires New Brain, No Longer Speaks to Me

February 7, 2006 | General, My Photos | By: Mark VandeWettering

A while ago, I wrote about how you could unlock a PAP2 and use it on Free World Dialup as a simple, cheap VOIP adapter.  Unfortunately, while playing around with Asterisk this morning, my adapter reset itself, promptly redownloaded some new firmware, and now is back to being locked with Vonage, this time, without the […]


January 31, 2006 | My Photos | By: Mark VandeWettering

Using the multi-shot capability of my nikon, I grabbed sixteen small exposures of the frog croaking, extracted them, aligned them by hand, and made the (rather large, sorry for the dialup users) images on the right. [tags]My Photos[/tags]

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