Archive for tag: Current Transformer

Litter Robot data acquisition, or “how I made things complicated for myself”

January 19, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Okay, as per the previous installment, I carted my new current transformer tap upstairs, and plugged in the Litter Robot. It entered its startup sequence, which ran the motors back and forth, and I was able to grab some data. It looked like the following: Using the built in ADC of an Arduino would give […]

I sense a disturbance in the fo… err… current to my Litter Robot…

January 19, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Okay, here’s a strange little project that is pushing the limits of what I understand in a couple of ways, and I thought I might write it up and also ask a question from those more knowledgeable than me. Here’s the idea: in our upstairs bathroom, we have a Litter Robot. This is a commercial […]

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