Archive for tag: wspr
July 1, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering
So, part of my incentive on working on my WSPR beacon was one of my coworkers decided to try to do some operating from the local Emeryville Marina, and I thought it might be nice to use the opportunity to try to pack up my WSPR setup and see if I could get some spots […]
Tags: ham radio, My Projects, wspr |
January 25, 2010 | Amateur Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering
Anyone who is subscribed to the QRP-L has likely been subjected to a long string of complaints against WSPR in the past week or so. This began with a generic complaint against a “consistent carrier” on 7.040. This rapidly decayed into a long series of rants against WSPR. Since I’m rather more fond of WSPR […]
Tags: Amateur Radio, qrp, qrpp, wspr | 1 comment
May 6, 2009 | Amateur Radio, QRSS | By: Mark VandeWettering
Over the past few days, I finally got a windows box up and running so I could run the official WSPR executable from WSJT. In the short time I’ve been listening, I’ve gotten quite a few spots from stations who haven’t been able to hear me. I made a quick map of all the sites […]
Tags: wspr |
January 12, 2009 | Amateur Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering
This duplicates a posting I made on the website. Aircraft reflection? Or something else? | WSPRnet On Saturday, Jan 10th, I had my transmit-only beacon that I wrote sending both a visual MEPT indicator (the MV that you can see in the attached image) and the WSPR beacon, and tried out a simple program […]
Tags: Amateur Radio, mept, QRSS, wspr |
January 1, 2009 | Amateur Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering
Okay, I hadn’t been doing any WSPR beacon operations since before Thanksgiving (which was also before my new callsign) and I was kind of bored today, so I dug out my power supply, tuner and interface and set my computer beaconing again on 30m. It’s a combination beacon: using WSPR above 10.140100, and a visual […]
Tags: Amateur Radio, ham radio, mept, qrp, QRSS, wspr | 2 comments
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…