I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse
Yep, there is an upcoming total lunar eclipse this Saturday, on the morning of Dec 10. It will be the last total lunar eclipse visible from San Francisco until April of 2014, so I think I’ll be trying to get up and see if I can view it and take some snapshots. From San Francisco, will enter the penumbra at 3:34 local time. You should start seeing it enter partial eclipse around 4:46, and it will begin totality around 6:06 (at only 12 degrees of altitude). Totality ends around 6:57, with the moon at about 3 degrees altitude.
I’ll probably get out my aircraft spotting binocs, and try some ghetto “through the eyepiece” photography. Stay tuned.
Comment from Kevin VandeWettering
Time 12/10/2011 at 9:12 am
Did you get up and watch this? I was up, but it was overcast.