Archive for category: Arduino

ATMEGA328 suppliers?

June 2, 2009 | Arduino | By: Mark VandeWettering

I suspect that if I could replace my ATMEGA168 with an ATMEGA 368 (as suggested by Robert, thanks!) life might be better for my Arduino and its attempt to use the waveshield. The problem is ATMEGA328s seem to be scarcer than hen’s teeth, especially in the PDIP package. I found a place in Canada that […]

Arduino Waveshield, sans joy…

June 2, 2009 | Amateur Radio, Arduino, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

At the Maker Faire this weekend, I picked up a Waveshield kit for the Arduino. It’s a cute little board with an SD card interface, an I2C DAC, and a little op amp circuit to provide an audio interface. It took me about an hour and a half to solder together (I’m slow, but careful) […]