Monthly Archives: January 2006

Sun: So close!

In another one of those “close, but no cigar” moments, Bill Joy remarks about the recent switch of Apple to Intel processors:

“We got very close to having Apple use Sparc. That almost happened,” Joy said at a panel discussion featuring reminiscences by Sun’s four cofounders at the Computer History Museum here.

I’ll hazard a guess as to why it didn’t happen: because Apple isn’t stark raving mad.

Sun: Apple nearly moved to Sparc chips | | CNET

[tags]Sun,Bill Joy,Intel,Apple[/tags]

Alaska Volcano Observatory

In keeping with my recent reading on volcanos, here is a link to the Alaska Volcano Observatory which is observing the increasingly active volcano on Augustine Island in Alaska. Recently earthquake activity has significantly increased, and some kind of eruption seems imminent. They even have a pair of webcams. The streaks running down the snowcapped mountains are apparently mudflows, not lava.  Cool!


On the difficulty of Technical Evangelism

It was time for my daily dose of Robert Scoble, and once again he providing some thought provoking fodder for me to go on about. Last week I mentioned just how boring I thought Gates’ keynote was at CES: full of empty hyperbole, long on announcing partnerships, short on announcing actual products that one could go out and buy. This is in more or less direct contrast with Apple, who chooses not to announce new products months in advance, and rather just announce products that you could order that very day from the online Apple Store.

But today Scoble was mentioning his job title: technical evangelist, and how he was a teeny bit uncomfortable with it because of its religious connotations. He had also just read this post by legendary Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki, and found that he didn’t much agree with Guy.

In some ways, I’m not surprised. If we look at the upcoming list of products coming from Apple Microsoft, there isn’t much for the average-Joe consumer to be excited about. What’s most visible about Vista is they are apparently working very hard to make Vista as pretty as possible, and to match it Apple’s OS X feature for feature, so that they won’t look bad by comparison. But while Apple is hard at work creating useful applications like iMovie, iDVD and iWeb and selling them to consumers for ridiculously low prices (and indeed, giving them away when you buy a new Apple), Microsoft seems to be playing catchup. I can’t say that I’ve read of a single feature of Microsoft Vista that would compel me to spend my money to upgrade. That simply isn’t true of Apple products: just the new Podcast Studio features of GarageBand would make me cough up $79 for the iLife upgrade.

Kawaski in many ways had a much easier job than Scoble: the Macintosh was designed as a cause. It was radical. It required people to begin to “think different”. It made promises which resonated with people (and even managed to keep a few of them). And, perhaps most notably: they were the underdogs. When you are the underdog, you have to look for your opportunities wherever you may find them, and exploit them for all they are worth.

Scoble works for a vast corporate empire. You can’t even think of it as a single company. When Roz Ho gets up and says that Microsoft is 100% behind supporting the new Intel based Macs, you know that there are several groups at Microsoft who are sweating the very real possibility that the Mac Business group may be hastening the downfall of their own operating system division. (Incidently Microsoft, could you find a spokesperson with any less charisma or panache than Roz Ho? Dear Lord, I actually walked out of our screening room to get coffee to avoid her whiney, weasely, MBA speak.)

Like most big entities, Microsoft has lost sight of one thing: the consumer. When you buy a PC equipped with Windows XP, you can use it to browse, and maybe listen to some CDs, or maybe watch some DVDs. And that’s really pretty much it. When you buy a Macintosh, you get OS X and iLife, and can do a lot more. It’s easy to evangelize that, because it’s a great product.

Consider a product that I own: an HP Media Center PC. It will nicely record my shows and play them back. It’s not quite as nice as a TiVo, but I must admit, it’s pretty close. Recently I got both a Video iPod and a Sony PSP. I’d like to be able to convert my ripped shows to formats that I can store on these devices. But Microsoft stores these files in some kind of bizarre .dvr-ms wrapper file that nobody else seems to know about. Microsoft seems unwilling or unable to add the functionality themselves, and because they chose to use unstandard formats, I have to wait for some third party company to figure this stuff out and make third party add-ons, none of which are as convenient as if the functionality was simply built in from the start. Meanwhile, Apple just as an afterthought tossed the functionality to convert videos from Quicktime to proper Video iPod formats just as a small bullet item on their dot release of iTunes. Microsoft probably is still having hoards of corporate lawyers figuring out which of their media partners they are going to offend.
Scoble says that he’d rather let his customers figure out if Microsoft products are right for them. I think the question he should be asking himself is: why are so many people interested in products which aren’t made by Microsoft? Can we draw any lessons from what we see happening in the market? Why should a consumer prefer Vista to OS X or Linux?

In addition, from the developer’s standpoint, things aren’t that much better. I tell you what, surf on over to the Microsoft Developer Network and try to see what Microsoft thinks are the top ten things you need to do to make a good Vista application. You’ll find impossibly vague suggestions like “Run securely” (wow, why didn’t I think of that) or “Establish a customer feedback loop” (wow, innovative). To support these ideas, they list literally dozens of libraries and new controls, new APIs, zillions of tech notes. No modern windowing system seems simple, but sometimes I think that Microsoft must have a logging and paper company as one of their subsidiaries. Despite Scoble’s intent, Microsoft is not at all nice to their developers: otherwise their wouldn’t be this constant barrage of new complexity with every release. They simply wouldn’t have to: they’d have some consistent vision and direction on how to help their developers, rather than just being blown by whatever group delivers another 100K lines of code. When we read on memeorandum or the like about productive programming environments, the hot topics are Ruby on Rails and Python, not .NET.

Scoble has a tough job: evangelizing technology which really isn’t all that exciting to consumers who really don’t care, and a software environment that’s just plain hostile to developers. It’s not the religious connotations of evangelism that should worry him, it’s that Microsoft doesn’t have a cause he can get behind.


Sony Thwarted Again – PSP 2.60 Hacked – First Homebrew Emerges!

I saw this on digg this morning:

A hacker has taken the next step and accomplished the unthinkable, hacking the 2.60 Firmware PSP! It is now possible to play homebrew games on your PSP no matter what firmware it has. Sony, give up on trying to stop us!

I haven’t tried this out yet (the new is still on my PSP, and I don’t feel like screwing it up) but it seems silly to actively pursue a strategy of trying to keep your customers from using their machines in creative new ways. I wish that a console or handheld manufacturer would someday realize that by embracing user modifications and homebrew, they could potentially add value to their products.

I know, I know, they are trying to prevent piracy. They don’t want everyone to be running Wipeout Pure when they didn’t pay for it. I get that. And I must admit, I don’t really know how to establish an iron-clad piracy protection scheme, but then, neither does Sony (obviously). I was thinking the other day that it might be interesting to have programs which are executed from the Memory Stick to simply not be able to access any of the Disk hardware. I can think of lots of ways that might fail, and hardware mods might still work to circumvent such measures, but it would go along way to keeping people from snarfing data off of UMD disks.

Of course, if anyone DOES get it off disc (say by using a logic analyzer on the data bus during execution) you are screwed.

Oh well. I imagine that we’ll see a continuation of this arms race for some time to come.

[tags]Sony PSP,Video Games,Homebrew[/tags]

read more | digg story

School bus camper conversion

Courtesy of the new forum section of the Make blog, check out Jake von Slatt’s incredibly impressive conversion of a 1989 Thomas Saf-T-Liner bus into a family camper. He apparently got the bus for about $2000 on eBay, and with six months of work it’s shaping up into quite the stylish home/ride. Me? I’m happy when I fix a windshield wiper.

Oh, and the Make forums have an RSS feed too, so I’ll be keeping an eye on them too with bloglines.

Intel Stammers Apology to Customers: “They aren’t dull!”

Apple’s current TV ads apparently are not all that popular with Intel’s other customers. The voiceover apparently claims that Intel’s processors have been “trapped inside PCs — dull, little boxes, dutifully performing dull little tasks.”

If suppose if you are a PC maker, that has to sting a little bit. But let’s be fair, most of what Intel puts out is slapped in a cheap beige box and spends most of its life trying to run while carrying the bloat of Windows XP on its back. The criticism isn’t entirely unfair.

When freed from the shackles of trying to load Microsoft products and the history of a zillion bad decisions, Intel’s chips (and, frankly, AMD’s as well) are free to do what they really are designed to. From the quoted article:

…if Intel’s work with Apple inspires some PC makers to think more creatively, Intel wouldn’t complain.

Indeed. If you are a manufacturer who used Intel chips, I’d say it’s not a time to get mad: it’s time to get creative. Apple certainly will be.

Intel: Our other customers aren’t boring | | CNET

[tags]Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Advertising[/tags]

Microsoft Losing Browser War at Brainwagon

Here’s something faintly interesting I noticed while scanning my logs at  Back in March of last year, I lamented that 60% of my readers used IE to read this blog, and told you all to get over to Firefox and download a reasonable standards based browser. Today, we have the following graph:

MSIE is only 30% now

Only 30% of my readers are using Internet Explorerer. About 3.5% are using Konquerer, a single person was using Opera, and the rest are using some variation of Firefox/Mozilla/Safari. Congratulations to all those who have discovered a better browsing experience. To the rest of you, what’s keeping you on Internet Explorer? Feel free to leave comments…

[tags]Browser Wars,Internet Explorer,Firefox,Mozilla[/tags]

Lightbox JS

Here’s a useful little chunk of Javascript which can probably be put to good use on your website:

Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to to overlay images on the current page. It’s a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.

It works quite well, and is also somewhat instructive. I may work on my own version of this script to use here on my website.

Lightbox JS

[tags]Web Programming,Javascript[/tags]

Addendum: I’ve removed the AJAX tag, since this actually doesn’t do any asynchronous Javascript calls.

Book Review: Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883: Books: Simon Winchester

For quite some time, I’ve been meaning to read Simon Winchester’s book Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883, but haven’t had the time. Now that I finally got a CD player instlled in my Expedition though, I decided to purchase it as an audiobook, and have been enjoying it during the hour or more I spend in the car each day.

It’s a terrific book, of far reaching scope and depth. Someone with a short attention spam might call it meandering, but I find it to be an interesting look into the historical, scientific and political climate surrounding the eruption of 1883. Sidelines include a brief history of and introduction to the science of plate tectonics, a history of the Dutch and British colonization of the East Indies, and the role that the disaster at Krakatoa may have played in the rise of Islamic unrest in the region. If you are looking for a cheap thrill, pick a shorter book, but this one seems to be like a satisfying meal to me: nourishing the reader listener with knowledge and insight that goes rather deeper than just “volcano go boom!”

Oh, and Winchester narrates his book, he’s got a very nice British accent which is pleasant to listen to. I suspect I’ll be picking up several more of his books.

[tags]Book Review,Audio Book,Krakatoa,Simon Winchester[/tags]

WordPress FeedBurner Plugin

Quite some time ago, I started using Feedburner to republish my RSS feed.  It’s nice because you can actually see who is reading your blog via RSS, what items they click through and the like.  But I was sending a mixed message, you could subscribe to my feed either by the ordinary WordPress feed, or via FeedBurner.   The solution is to redirect the WordPress feed automatically to the Feedburner feed, but this has a problem: Feedburner still needs to access your feed, so you can’t redirect it.   The resulting mod_rewrite stuff always seemed like a pain, so I was happy to find the following plugin by Steve Smith, which makes all these problems go away.

If you have a similar problem, be sure to check it out.

WordPress FeedBurner Plugin // Ordered List by Steve Smith


snowman 2006 – Google Video

One of the somewhat interesting features of Google Video is now that you can put video from Google into your webpage. Here’s a Snowman video from WGBH Boston, and below you can see the player embedded in a web posting.

Deleted the video player

Something about WordPress insists on rewriting the contents of my post and breaks the formatting. I’ll figure it out later. If you figure it out, let let me know.

[tags]Google,Google Video,Multimedia[/tags]

MacWorld Announcements

Well, Steve is still up there, but the big news (as yet unreflected on the Apple website) is the announcement of a new Intel based iMac. It will apparently come in the same sizes and prices as previous G5 iMacs, but will use Intel’s new CoreDuo processor that was plugged by Intel so heavily at CES last week.

There is also some nice improvements to their existing iLife suite, including the addition of the (somewhat predictably name) iWeb: a web authoring suite that includes the ability to create and publish rich media websites using premade Apple templates. Notable for podcasters, GarageBand will also include a Podcast Suite: a set of features designed to make the creation of podcasts simple and easy.

Addendum: Two new laptop models will be available in February: the MacBook Pro, also with the Core Duo Processor, $1999 and $2499.  It will include the iSight camera, Front Row, all that kind of stuff.  Neat!
