Category Archives: Puzzles

Code for generating a random Latin square…

The other day I mentioned that generating random Latin squares was a bit more complicated than I thought, and that an algorithm by Jacobson and Matthews was the way that people typically did it. I worked up this implementation based on a couple of different descriptions of the algorithm (the original paper was behind a paywall). The code below simply generates a random DIMxDIM Latin square using their algorithm. I haven’t done extensive testing, but it appears to mostly work. I did run a test where I generated one million 4×4 matrices, and found that it generated all 576 different matrices in approximately the same propertion, so it appears to at least be roughly operational. I’ll eventually merge the code with my nascent KenKen generator.

[sourcecode lang=”cpp”]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

* rls.c
* A straightforward implementation of the algorithm by Jacobson and
* Matthews, _Generating uniformly distributed random Latin square_,
* Journal of Combinatorial Design, 1996.
* I actually couldn’t find the original paper, so this is an implementation
* based upon other descriptions of the algorithm.
* Written by Mark VandeWettering.

#define DIM (6)

typedef struct t_incidence_cube {
int s[DIM][DIM][DIM] ;
} IncidenceCube ;

InitIncidenceCube(IncidenceCube *c)
int i, j, k ;

/* First, zero the cube */
for (i=0; i<DIM; i++)
for (j=0; j<DIM; j++)
for (k=0; k<DIM; k++)
c->s[i][j][k] = 0 ;

/* And then dump ones in the right place… */
for (i=0; i<DIM; i++)
for (j=0; j<DIM; j++)
c->s[i][j][(i+j)%DIM] = 1 ;

PrintIncidenceCube(IncidenceCube *c)
int i, j, k ;

for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) {
for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) {
for (k=0; k<DIM; k++) {
if (c->s[i][j][k]) {
printf("%2d ", k+1) ;
break ;
printf("\n") ;
printf("\n") ;

CompactPrintIncidenceCube(IncidenceCube *c)
int i, j, k ;

for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) {
for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) {
for (k=0; k<DIM; k++) {
if (c->s[i][j][k]) {
printf("%01d", k+1) ;
break ;
printf("\n") ;

ShuffleIncidenceCube(IncidenceCube *c)
int i, j ;

for (i=0; i<DIM*DIM*DIM; i++) {

// Assume we have a "proper" matrix…

// Pick a random zero from the incidence cube…
int rx, ry, rz ;
do {
rx = lrand48() % DIM ;
ry = lrand48() % DIM ;
rz = lrand48() % DIM ;
} while (c->s[rx][ry][rz]) ;

int ox, oy, oz ;

for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) {
if (c->s[j][ry][rz] == 1)
ox = j ;
if (c->s[rx][j][rz] == 1)
oy = j ;
if (c->s[rx][ry][j] == 1)
oz = j ;

// do the +/- 1 move…
// These are all square with zeros in them…
c->s[rx][ry][rz] ++ ;
c->s[rx][oy][oz] ++ ;
c->s[ox][ry][oz] ++ ;
c->s[ox][oy][rz] ++ ;

// These all have ones, except for maybe the last one…
c->s[rx][ry][oz] — ;
c->s[rx][oy][rz] — ;
c->s[ox][ry][rz] — ;
c->s[ox][oy][oz] — ;

while (c->s[ox][oy][oz] < 0) {

rx = ox ;
ry = oy ;
rz = oz ;

// Pick one of the two 1’s that are in conflict
if (drand48() < 0.5) {
for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) {
if (c->s[j][ry][rz] == 1) {
ox = j ;
} else {
for (j=DIM-1; j>=0; j–) {
if (c->s[j][ry][rz] == 1) {
ox = j ;

if (drand48() < 0.5) {
for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) {
if (c->s[rx][j][rz] == 1) {
oy = j ;
} else {
for (j=DIM-1; j>=0; j–) {
if (c->s[rx][j][rz] == 1) {
oy = j ;

if (drand48() < 0.5) {
for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) {
if (c->s[rx][ry][j] == 1) {
oz = j ;
} else {
for (j=DIM-1; j>=0; j–) {
if (c->s[rx][ry][j] == 1) {
oz = j ;

// do the +/- 1 move…
// These are all square with zeros in them…
c->s[rx][ry][rz] ++ ;
c->s[rx][oy][oz] ++ ;
c->s[ox][ry][oz] ++ ;
c->s[ox][oy][rz] ++ ;

// These all have ones, except for maybe the last one…
c->s[rx][ry][oz] — ;
c->s[rx][oy][rz] — ;
c->s[ox][ry][rz] — ;
c->s[ox][oy][oz] — ;


IncidenceCube c ;
int i ;

srand48(getpid()) ;
InitIncidenceCube(&c) ;
ShuffleIncidenceCube(&c) ;
PrintIncidenceCube(&c) ;
return 1 ;

Atinlay Aresquares…

My last post dealt with a solver for KenKen puzzles. Once you have one of those, then the obvious thing to work on next (in your copious spare time) is a generator for KenKen puzzles. It didn’t seem too hard. You’d begin by generating a random Latin square, then divide it up into “cages”, assign an operator to them, and then see if that has a unique solution. If it doesn’t, well, try again.

But it turns out that each of these steps hides inner difficulties, as well as a certain amount of mathematical beauty. Tom and I were discussing the first bit (generating random Latin square) over lunch, and I thought I’d summarize some of our discussion.

First of all, consider the following “canonical” Latin square of order 4:

1 2 3 4
4 1 2 3
3 4 1 2 
2 3 4 1

It’s pretty easy to generate this Latin square, and it’s pretty easy to generate other Latin squares by swapping either rows or columns. But the question is, can I generate all other Latin squares from this one by doing row and column swap operations?

Tom assured me that the answer was no, which wasn’t at all apparent to me until he presented an interesting example, so I thought I would summarize some of the ideas here. My presentation will take a slightly different path than our discussion, but it ends in the same place.

Let’s consider each square to have a canonical form, where the first row and first column are in sorted order. It should be relatively obvious that you can place any matrix into this form by a series of row and column operations. For example, the matrix above can be placed in canonical form by swapping the second and fourth row.

1 2 3 4
2 3 4 1
3 4 1 2
4 1 2 3 

But let’s consider a different matrix in canonical form formed by swapping 1 and 3 in rows 2 and 4.

1 2 3 4
2 1 4 3
3 4 1 2 
4 3 2 1 

We can’t convert this matrix into the previous one by only swapping rows and columns. Thus, if we try to generate a random Latin square by just beginning with a canonical one, there are possible Latin squares which can never be generated by just swapping row and column operations. Too bad, since this is really easy to implement.

Another easy thing to implement would be to just generate all possible Latin squares, store them in a table, and select one at random. That doesn’t seem too bad, until you consider that there are 812,851,200 possible Latin Squares to consider. Sure, disks are big, but that seems excessive.

It turns out that the algorithm that most people seem to use is the from 1996 by Jacobson and Matthews, which is hard to find online as a full paper. It uses a similar idea, but instead of swapping full rows and columns, it applies a different operator that mutates a given Latin square, and in the limit produces a distribution which is the same as the random distribution. It’s a little tricky to understand, but I am going to try to have an implementation in Python later tonight.

Here’s a report that provides some details and the skeleton of an implementation in Java.

KenKen puzzle solver…

Lately, my lunch hours have been spent working on the NYT Crossword with my lunch companion Tom. While I find that the Thursday crosswords are often beyond my ability to do in the allotted time, between the two of us, more often than not we manage to plow through them. Slowly over time, we’ve begun to solve them slightly quicker, so I’ve branched out to doing the KenKen puzzles.

For those of you who haven’t seen these before, you can learn about them on their official website here. The 4×4 ones are usually pretty easy, but the last couple days have done some 6×6 puzzles have been shockingly hard. So much so, that today I got to this state on today’s puzzle:


Yes, I was using pen. And I made a mistake, although I can’t see what I was thinking when I did. And because I made a mistake, I couldn’t spot it, and I was hung up. The “4” in first column was wrong. I knew it could not be a 6 or 1, or a 3, or a 4, but for some reason I thought that the final column couldn’t be 4 and 3, but..

Never mind, it doesn’t matter what the mistake was.

By the end up twenty minutes I was annoyed, knew I had made a mistake, but decided to give into the urge to write a program to solve it. How long could it take?

Well, the answer was about 27 minutes.

This program doesn’t have any interface or flexibility, everything is hard coded. Basically it uses backtracking and fills in each square in order from bottom left to top right, and as the top most, right most square of each outlined area is finished, it checks to make sure that the sums/differences/whatever for the filled in region sum to the right values. I didn’t know how I was going to encode those constraints, so I just ended up writing a function that computes the proper constraint. This is not really the right way to do it: it’s error prone and requires recompilation of the code to change the puzzle. But it does work fairly well, once you type the expressions in correctly.

Once I got those straightened out, it blats out the solution in less than 1 millisecond on my desktop.

| 6 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
| 2 | 6 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 4 |
| 1 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 2 |
| 3 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 1 | 5 |
| 5 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 1 |
| 4 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 6 |

1 solutions found

It points out that the 4 should have been a 2 (IDIOT!) and then it all works out.

The code is 178 lines long, but is not particularly pretty/short/adaptable. Some day, I’ll have to tidy it up and make a better version.

But in case people find this stuff interesting, here it is. Remember: 27 minutes to write.

[sourcecode lang=”cpp”]
include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

* kenken.c
* A program inspired by a particular tough 6×6 puzzle that appeared
* on Thursday, May 11, 2016, which Tom Duff and I could not appear to
* get the answer to during our lunch hour. I thought that it was possible
* that I could write a program to solve the puzzle in less than an hour.
* Hence, this code.

int total = 0 ;

#define DIM (6)

typedef struct t_puzzle_state {
int sq[DIM][DIM] ;
int r[DIM] ; // bitflag for values left in rows…
int c[DIM] ; // bitflag for values available in columns
} PuzzleState ;

PrintPuzzleState(PuzzleState *p)
int i, j ;

printf("+") ;
for(j=0; j<DIM; j++)
printf("—+") ;
printf("\n") ;

for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) {
printf("|") ;
for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) {

if (p->sq[DIM-1-i][j])
printf(" %1d |", p->sq[DIM-1-i][j]) ;
printf(" |") ;
printf("\n+") ;
for(j=0; j<DIM; j++)
printf("—+") ;
printf("\n") ;
printf("\n") ;

InitializePuzzleState(PuzzleState *p)
int i, j ;

memset((void *) p, 0, sizeof(*p)) ;

for (i=0; i<DIM; i++) {
for (j=1; j<=DIM; j++) {
p->r[i] |= (1<<j) ;
p->c[i] |= (1<<j) ;

HardcodePuzzleState(PuzzleState *p, int r, int c, int val)
p->sq[r][c] = val ;
p->r[r] &= ~(1<<val) ;
p->c[c] &= ~(1<<val) ;

#define SQUARE(i, j) ((i)*DIM+(j))
#define ABS(x) ((x)<0?(-(x)):(x))

ConstraintSatisfied(PuzzleState *p, int i, int j)
switch (SQUARE(i,j)) {
case SQUARE(0,1):
return ABS(p->sq[0][0] – p->sq[0][1]) == 1 ;
case SQUARE(0,2):
return p->sq[0][2] == 3 ;
case SQUARE(1, 3):
return (p->sq[0][3]+p->sq[1][3]) == 5 ;
case SQUARE(1, 4):
return (p->sq[0][4] * p->sq[0][5] * p->sq[1][4]) == 72 ;
case SQUARE(2, 2):
if (p->sq[2][2] == 2 * p->sq[1][2])
return 1 ;
if (p->sq[1][2] == 2 * p->sq[2][2])
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
case SQUARE(2, 4):
return ABS(p->sq[2][4] – p->sq[2][3]) == 5 ;
case SQUARE(3, 1):
if (p->sq[3][1] == 2 * p->sq[2][1])
return 1 ;
if (p->sq[2][1] == 2 * p->sq[3][1])
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
case SQUARE(3, 5):
return (p->sq[3][5]+p->sq[2][5]+p->sq[1][5]) == 8 ;
case SQUARE(4, 2):
return ABS(p->sq[4][2] – p->sq[4][1]) == 5 ;
case SQUARE(4, 3):
return p->sq[4][3] == 3 ;
case SQUARE(4, 4):
return (p->sq[4][4]+p->sq[3][2]+p->sq[3][3]+p->sq[3][4]) == 19 ;
case SQUARE(5, 1):
return (p->sq[4][0]*p->sq[5][0]*p->sq[5][1]) == 12 ;
case SQUARE(5, 4):
return (p->sq[5][2]+p->sq[5][3]+p->sq[5][4]) == 11 ;
case SQUARE(5, 5):
return (p->sq[5][5]+p->sq[4][5]) == 7 ;
return 1 ;

return 1 ;

SolvePuzzleState(PuzzleState *p, int i, int j)
int v ;

if (i >= DIM) {
PrintPuzzleState(p) ;
total ++ ;
return ;

int pval = p->r[i] & p->c[j] ;

for (v=1; v<=DIM; v++) {
if ((pval & (1<<v)) == 0)
continue ;
// Try to place v in sq[i][j] ;
p->sq[i][j] = v ;

if (ConstraintSatisfied(p, i, j)) {
p->r[i] &= ~(1<<v) ;
p->c[j] &= ~(1<<v) ;

int ni, nj ;
nj = j + 1 ;
if (nj < DIM) {
ni = i ;
} else {
ni = i + 1 ;
nj = 0 ;

SolvePuzzleState(p, ni, nj) ;

p->r[i] |= (1<<v) ;
p->c[j] |= (1<<v) ;
p->sq[i][j] = 0 ;

PuzzleState p ;
InitializePuzzleState(&p) ;
// HardcodePuzzleState(&p, 0, 2, 3) ;
// HardcodePuzzleState(&p, 4, 3, 3) ;

SolvePuzzleState(&p, 0, 0) ;
fprintf(stderr, "%d solutions found\n", total) ;

A nifty partition of 1..16

Courtesy of Phil Harvey’s Puzzle « Programming Praxis, I discovered that the numbers from 1..16 can be partitioned into two 8 element sets, with these nifty identities!

2+3+5+8+9+12+14+15 == 1+4+6+7+10+11+13+16
22+32+52+82+92+122+142+152 == 12+42+62+72+102+112+132+162
23+33+53+83+93+123+143+153 == 13+43+63+73+103+113+133+163

There has to be a good way to use this to make a cool geometric puzzle as well.\

Bonus: Are there any other values of N such that the numbers from 1..N can be split into two sets, each of which have the same sum, sum of squares, and sum of cubes?

Spoiler: Yes, there are.

Word squares…

I like to read the Programming Praxis website. Every post challenges you to write some simple programs to boost your skill, akin to finger exercises for a musical instrument. Today’s challenge was an interesting which intrigued Charles Babbage: creating word squares.

I spent about 10 minutes writing one in Python that worked rather well: here is an early version, which I augmented a bit. Running it against /usr/share/dict/words gave way too many squares, with lots of really uncommon words. I had better luck with The 12dicts word lists, which concentrate on more common words. In particular, I came up with this pair of rather pleasing order 5 squares based upon the words BRAIN WAGON.



Cool Link on Maze Generation, with Minecraft Application

Josh read my earlier article on maze generation, and forwarded me to this cool link via Twitter. It’s an article by Jamis Buck, and details all sorts of cool ways to generate mazes, with examples, applets, discussion… It’s simply great. It even includes an online maze generator for constructing random mazes suitable for construction in Minecraft. Worth checking out:

the { buckblogs :here }: Maze Generation: Algorithm Recap.

Revisiting a Program from the Past: Maze Generation

I was playing Minecraft with a few like-minded people the other day, and grew weary of excavating huge, deep holes and falling into lava pits. So, I decided to create my own little island reserve. I scouted a likely location: a small insignificant island off the coast from our main base and began construction.

Once my fort and light house were constructed, I tried to think of something else fun to do. I hit upon the idea of generating a maze, and then planting a garden on top. I recall that over thirty years ago, I wrote a series of programs for my Atari 400 to generate simple mazes on the screen. The basic idea was to create an array the size of the maze you wanted. In each square, you’d store one of three codes: it’s either a block, a square you’ve visited, or a square that has not yet been visited. Initially, you start in an unvisited square, and mark it as visited. You then pick a random starting direction, and see if the square in that direction has been visited. If it hasn’t, erase wall that connects you to it and recurse. If not, then proceed to the next direction until you’ve tried all four directions, then return.

It’s a simple recursive algorithm, which wasn’t really all that attractive on the Atari, which had limited ability for recursion (stack depth is severely limited on the 6502). So, instead of recursion, I stored the stack in the array itself: each square could hold a breadcrumb that told it where it should “back up to” when it had exhausted the current list of directions. But on modern computers, there really isn’t any need to complicate the code with that: I simply use ordinary recursion.

And… here’s the code. It was written in haste, so to write the .PNG it doesn’t even link with libpng: it simply opens a pipe to some of the netpbm utilities to rescale and convert the bitmap to a larger .png file.

[sourcecode lang=”C”]
#include <stdio .h>
#include <stdlib .h>
#include <unistd .h>

#define SIZE 80
#define ASIZE (2*SIZE+1)

char maze[ASIZE][ASIZE] ;

static int dx[] = {-1, 0, 0, 1} ;
static int dy[] = { 0, -1, 1, 0} ;

traverse(int i, int j)
int w, worig, x, y ;
maze[2*i+1][2*j+1] = ‘ ‘ ;

w = worig = lrand48() & 3 ;

do {
x = i + dx[w] ;
y = j + dy[w] ;

if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x<size && y<SIZE && maze[2*x+1][2*y+1]==’_’) {
maze[2*i+1+dx[w]][2*j+1+dy[w]] = ‘ ‘ ;
traverse(x, y) ;
w = (w + 1) & 3 ;
} while (w != worig) ;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, j ;
int cnt ;

srand48(getpid()) ;

for (i=0; i<ASIZE; i++)
for (j=0; j<ASIZE; j++)
maze[i][j] = ‘#’ ;

for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
for (j=0; j<SIZE; j++)
maze[2*i+1][2*j+1] = ‘_’ ;

/* generate the maze */
traverse(0, 0) ;

for (i=0, cnt = 0; i<ASIZE; i++)
for (j=0; j<ASIZE; j++)
if (maze[i][j] == ‘#’)
cnt ++ ;

printf("%d blocks needed.\n", cnt) ;

FILE *fp = popen("pnmenlarge 4 | pnmtopng > maze.png", "w") ;
fprintf(fp, "P1\n%d %d\n", ASIZE, ASIZE) ;

for (i=0; i<asize ; i++) {
for (j=0; j<ASIZE; j++) {
fprintf(fp, maze[i][j] == ‘#’ ? "1 " : "0 ") ;

pclose(fp) ;

/* now, print out the directions. */

for (i=0; i<ASIZE; i++) {
printf("begin row %d\n", i+1) ;

char ch = maze[i][0] ;
int chcnt = 1 ;
for (j=1; j<ASIZE; j++) {
if (maze[i][j] != ch) {
printf("[ ] %d %s%s\n", chcnt, ch == ‘#’ ? "block" : "space", chcnt > 1 ? "s" : "") ;
chcnt = 1 ;
ch = maze[i][j] ;
} else {
chcnt ++ ;
printf("[ ] %d %s%s\n", chcnt, ch == ‘#’ ? "block" : "space", chcnt > 1 ? "s" : "") ;

return 0 ;

And here’s an example of the resulting maze:

Of course a maze of this size would take years for me to complete in Minecraft, so I designed a much smaller one (the total size is about 15×15). I also added some code (which is ifdef’ed out above) to generate a list of instructions on how to reproduce the maze by constructing it in rows. If you define MINECRAFT before compiling, it will dump a list of instructions that look like…

begin row 1
[ ] 15 blocks
begin row 2
[ ] 1 block
[ ] 13 spaces
[ ] 1 block
begin row 3
[ ] 13 blocks
[ ] 1 space
[ ] 1 block

Using this, I constructed a small 15×15 maze which took 256 cobblestones (not including the roof):

Thinking about the program as I was driving in this morning, I thought about generating a maze that was suitable for poster size, maybe 1000×1000 in size or larger. I probably should go ahead an implement the recursion optimization I described, then the size of the mazes that could be generated would be limited only by memory. And, of course, I could implement some quick and easy “virtual memory” to allow generation of mazes that were as large as disk space could allow. I could also implement a number of other optimizations.

I was also thinking that this program didn’t really suggest method that would work with a functional programming language.

Tom suggested that one way to tackle it might be to create a graph with all the possible links and random weights connecting each pair of adjacent nodes. You could then solve it by any method that can solve the minimum spanning tree. Tom recently wrote similar code, so that’s probably why he thought of it. It just makes my head hurt.

A simple, short puzzle

How many coins do you need to remove so that the centers of all remaining coins form no equilatoral triangles?

How many coins do you need to remove so that the centers of all remaining coins form no equilatoral triangles?

Here is a simple puzzle that came from Martin Gardner’s The Colossal Book of Short Puzzles and Problems. Here we see ten circles arranged in the classic triangle bowling configuration. The question is “what is the minimum number of circles that can be removed such that there is no equilateral triangle formed by the centers of the remaining circles?”

I was originally having difficulty convincing myself of the optimality of my answer, but I am reasonably certain of it now. Still, it took a bit of pondering to justify. I’ll let you all sit on it for a day or two, then give my reasoning through it.

Addendum: If you found that easy, try to answer the same question for the triangle with sides of length 5. And then length 6.