Archive for category: My Projects

Speleogroup’s cool LED headlamp design

May 29, 2011 | diy, electronics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Fellow hacker Mike Cowlishaw tweeted me a reminder that he had worked on a design for a spelunker’s headlamp that used Luxeon LEDs, and had excellent high performance. I remember that I listened to a talk about this design, but at the time, I wasn’t saavy enough in electronics to grasp the details, and it […]

High Power LED Driver Circuits

May 28, 2011 | diy, electronics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

My recent experiments with light based communication left me thinking about simple circuits for driving LEDs. I’ve got three big LEDs (1W) on order from deal extreme, so I was looking for circuits to drive these larger LEDs. This Instructable has some good ideas. I’ll probably breadboard some of these soon. High Power LED Driver […]

Question about LEDs…

May 23, 2011 | electronics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

A few days ago, I posted a query to twitter regarding voltage drop in LEDs: I didn’t receive a lot of truly helpful replies: a few people reinforced the general dogma that indeed LEDs were diodes, and since they were diodes, they should have relatively constant voltage drop despite current across them. But that’s not […]

More light transmitter experimentation…

May 21, 2011 | Amateur Radio, electronics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Today, I had to do some yardwork, so I dusted off the weed whacker, and climbed the back of the hill to chop down some high grass. At the end of an hour, I was about 40% done (I’ll do the rest next weekend) but sneezing and coughing from the liberated pollen and dust. So, […]

An improved linear current LED transmitter

May 19, 2011 | electronics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

I spent some time reading KA7OEI’s great article on creating a good linear current driver for an LED or laser based communication system. The basic idea was pretty straightforward, so I decided to try it out when I got home. The “simple” circuit that I had before was in no sense linear: the audio became […]

A simple LED transmitter, and LED receiver!

May 18, 2011 | electronics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Tonight’s 20 minute electronics project was to create a simple transmitter to send music using light. A trivial circuit modulates the current through an LED, and a different LED serves as an (inefficient, and not very good) light sensor. Normally you’d use a selenium photocell or the like, but I couldn’t find one in my […]

Word squares…

May 4, 2011 | Computer Science, My Projects, Puzzles | By: Mark VandeWettering

I like to read the Programming Praxis website. Every post challenges you to write some simple programs to boost your skill, akin to finger exercises for a musical instrument. Today’s challenge was an interesting which intrigued Charles Babbage: creating word squares. I spent about 10 minutes writing one in Python that worked rather well: here […]

The Micro FM transmitter on copper clad (much better!)

April 19, 2011 | Amateur Radio, electronics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Yesterday’s video showed a very fussy version of Tetsuo Kogawa’s 1 transistor FM transmitter, which worked after a fashion, but which seemed really squirrely. Almost any motion of anything caused the circuit to behave rather badly as capacitance changed, and I picked up a considerable amount of hum. Today, I rebuilt the circuit onto a […]

Schematic for the Micro FM transmitter

April 19, 2011 | electronics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Tetsuo Kogawa’s circuit is pretty well documented, but not in conventional schematic form. I decided to enter it into LTSpice to see what it could make of it, and decided to go ahead and put the schematic online here, with perhaps a few comments: I’ve set this up more or less as I built the […]

Watermarking and titling with ffmpeg and other open source tools…

April 19, 2011 | Amateur Radio, Computer Graphics, Games and Diversions, My Projects, Video | By: Mark VandeWettering

I’ve received two requests for information about my “video production pipeline”, such as it is. As you can tell by my videos, I am shooting with pretty ugly hardware, in a pretty ugly way, with minimal (read “no”) editing. But I did figure out a pretty nice way to add some watermarks and overlays to […]

Code from the Past: a tiny real time raytracer from 2000

April 12, 2011 | Computer Graphics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Back in 2000, I was intrigued by the various demos that I saw which attempted to implement real time raytracing. I wondered just what could be done with the computers I had on hand, without using any real tricks, but just a straightforward implementation of ray/sphere and ray/patch intersection. As I recall, I got two […]

Revisiting a Program from the Past: Maze Generation

April 8, 2011 | Games and Diversions, My Projects, Puzzles | By: Mark VandeWettering

I was playing Minecraft with a few like-minded people the other day, and grew weary of excavating huge, deep holes and falling into lava pits. So, I decided to create my own little island reserve. I scouted a likely location: a small insignificant island off the coast from our main base and began construction. Once […]

555 Astable Multivibrator as an AM Transmitter

March 31, 2011 | Amateur Radio, electronics, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

I mostly avoided the siren song of the 555 timer that seemed to echo through the blogiverse during the recent 555 contest, but when I was out and about last weekend, I picked up 10 of them from Anchor Electronics, and they have been taunting me from the shelf ever since. So, last night I […]

The HOPALONG Orbit Fractal

March 24, 2011 | Math, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

While watching TV, I coded up a custom renderer for the HOPALONG orbit fractal, generated 300 frames, and encoded it with FFMPEG. Without further ado:

Demo of Enigma and the Turing Bombe at Bletchley Park

March 15, 2011 | Amateur Radio, Cryptography, My Photos, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Carmen and I just got back from a trip to London, and we had a blast. One of the geekiest things we did while there was to take a day trip by train out to Bletchley Park to see the site of the codebreaking efforts by the British during WWII. As any long time reader […]