Archive for category: My Projects

Making a Knob…

March 24, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

So, I’m trying to get a little more adept at wood working, and one of the things that I’m doing as a “skills building” exercise is to design and fabricate some new jigs and accessories for my table and miter saw. One of the things that I thought would be cool would be to design […]

Arduino Mini, using Micro Amounts of Current…

March 20, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Last night, the weather was pretty rainy. I woke up a couple of times during the night (once, when my little cat friend Bailey decided to check my breathing and started head butting me around 4 AM) and heard a lot of rain falling on the roof. When I woke up, it was fairly wet […]

3D Printed Gadgets for Woodworking…

March 20, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

I’ve been slowly working toward getting a reasonably equipped garage for woodworking, and have been watching a metric ton of Youtube content made by woodworkers. Today, I ran across this nice list of things that you can 3D print to help out with various tasks, the most immediately useful being some knobs I can print […]

Brent’s Sharpening Pages…

March 15, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

My experimenting with plane sharpening has (like so many other things) caused me to research stuff on the Internet. I’ve been working on grinding the back on my older plane using sandpaper cemented down to a flat piece of glass. It’s still not quite there after about a solid 30 minutes of work, and it’s […]

30 minutes in the workshop…

March 13, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

So, last night about 9:30PM I decided to spend a little time in my garage workshop. I cleared some items off the top of my rolling workbench and decided to do a short bit of work on two projects. A couple of days ago I had started making a cross cut sled for my tablesaw. […]

Making a cross cut sled for my table saw…

March 3, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Okay, a few weeks ago I bought a little Dewalt DW745 table saw for use in my garage. I’ve never actually owned a table saw, but lately I’ve been wanting to do more construction, and I thought investing a fairly small amount of money in a table saw would be a good way to go. […]

Antique handsaws from a friend’s estate sale…

March 3, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

I heard some friends of mine that I haven’t seen in some time were having an estate sale, so I drove over to say hi and, well, to also see if they had anything interesting. Lately I’ve become interested in doing more work in my shop, and I’ve always had a bit of a fondness […]

My prototype data logger experiment: bunyan

March 3, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

A couple of days ago, I found out about through a link on hackaday, and an article which gave an interesting idea about how to do temperature sensing using an Arduino and no additional parts. I didn’t really recap the actual underlying technique. The idea was a fairly interesting one. The watch dog timer […]

Temperature sensing on an Arduino w/o additional hardware…

February 26, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Last night I began dusting off my solar project a bit. It still seems like we are at the bottom of the atmospheric river, so I don’t think it will be going outside any time in the near future, but I wanted to make some software changes. It uses a pair of temperature sensors and […]

Brief experience (failure) printing with Sainsmart TPU

February 23, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

I’m still heading toward changing my Creality CR-10 over to use a BLTouch bed leveling sensor, but I still need a few parts that I’m waiting on. I thought it might be a good time to try some prints with a filament that I never used before: namely a roll of Sainsmart TPU filament that […]

Steps toward getting a BLTouch Bed Level Sensor on my CR-10…

February 20, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

I’ve had my Creality CR-10 for quite some time, and fairly early on I decided that I needed a bed leveling sensor. It wasn’t just because it was difficult to level the bed. The bed itself isn’t anywhere close to flat. Since the printer doesn’t know that, you have all sorts of problems with adhesion. To be honest, I’m […]

Pondering the 18650 Li-Ion Battery…

February 17, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Back in October, I attended Pacificon, the local ham radio convention. While I was there I picked up a couple of wacky things that were super cheap on the vendor’s tables, and among them was a super inexpensive battery charger along with an 18650 3.7V Li-Ion battery. If you’re like me, you are probably used […]

A few thoughts on 3D printing and the Creality CR-10

February 14, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Over the last couple days, I’ve been pondering my journey through 3D printing. After having taken a three month break from it (more on that below) I’ve managed to get my Creality CR-10 back up and running in a reasonable way, and have donated my Anet A8 (my gateway drug to the world of 3D […]

My Computer Controlled Etch a Sketch…

January 29, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

I’ve been wanting to make a computer-controlled mechanical gadget for quite some time. When I finally got a 3D printer a little more than a year ago, I began to think of how I might make a device that could direct a pen under computer control. I even took the time to order a CNC […]

Litter Robot data acquisition, or “how I made things complicated for myself”

January 19, 2019 | My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering

Okay, as per the previous installment, I carted my new current transformer tap upstairs, and plugged in the Litter Robot. It entered its startup sequence, which ran the motors back and forth, and I was able to grab some data. It looked like the following: Using the built in ADC of an Arduino would give […]