Archive for category: My Projects
March 1, 2015 | Arduino, Atmel AVR, Hardware, My Projects, Raspberry Pi | By: Mark VandeWettering
I have an odd obsession with small, relatively cheap hardware development boards. Over the last few years, I’ve acquired a bunch of them, from Arduino to Raspberry Pi to BeagleBone Black. I thought it might be nice to just do a short video showing what I have around. So I did. Here’s a little 25 […]
January 2, 2015 | Computer Science, Hardware, Internet of Things, My Projects, Operating Systems, Raspberry Pi | By: Mark VandeWettering
I’ve got a weak spot for cheap, programmable hardware. In my junk drawer I’ve got a collection of Arduinos, Parallax Propellor boards, a couple of STM32 based ARM boards, and several Beagle Bone Blacks and Raspberry Pis. Today, another entry arrived: the WRTnode. I’ve only had it out of the box for a few hours, […]
August 31, 2014 | Emulation, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering
The last five or so years has been a remarkable period in computing. About five years ago, I began to fear that computing would be increasingly pre-packaged: that laptops and tablets would totally take over the market and the ability to find computers which were well suited for programming and experimentation would more and more […]
July 25, 2014 | My Diary, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering
From tiny acorns, giant oak trees grow. Likewise, seemingly trivial events and items can affect our lives. As a kid, I had been interested in computers for a while. I think it must have postdated the appearance of the Altair 8800, which debuted in Popular Electronics in 1974 (I would have been ten or so […]
July 8, 2014 | My Projects, Python, Web Programming | By: Mark VandeWettering
Need to get some weather information? The website has a nice web based service you can use up to one thousand times a day for free. I was thinking of using it for an automated sprinkler application, but just to test it, I wrote this simple chunk of python to try it out. To […]
July 8, 2014 | My Photos, My Projects, Optics, Photography, Photos | By: Mark VandeWettering
Here are two more photos I took at last night’s camera workshop. I wanted to take something slightly more beautiful than a selfie, so I chose the Luxo statue outside the Steve Jobs building at Pixar, and some white flowers from the garden. Both were taken rather late in the day, under partly cloudy skies […]
June 14, 2014 | electronics, LED, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering
Over the last couple of years, I’ve spent a little bit of time making fixed wing aircraft from Dollar Tree foam. The results have been interesting and fun, but I’ve found that the need to find relatively large areas to fly means that it’s harder to go fly than I would like. On the other […]
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January 13, 2014 | Computer Chess, Computer Games, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering
Off and on I’ve been pondering some changes to my computer checkers program called Milhouse. Most of these changes have relatively little to do with checkers per se, but are just changes to the algorithms that are common to nearly all game-tree search programs. Since computer chess has always been more popular than computer checkers, […]
November 20, 2013 | Cryptography, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering
I read an interesting article the other day. I’ll skip to the end to show you the result. Check out this pair of binary images: Not too fascinating, huh? If you print both images out on transparency though, and stack them together, you’ll get this… Hopefully that worked (with my limited CSS skills, I don’t […]
November 17, 2013 | Computer Graphics, My Projects, Retrocomputing | By: Mark VandeWettering
Gasp, I know. It’s been some time since I posted here. A combination of life and work events have conspired to sap me of my usual exuberant energy for the nerdy, geeky pointless topics that I usually like to post about here. But nerdy, geeky, pointless endeavors do continue (even if at a reduced pace) […]
March 23, 2013 | 3D, 3D printing, Arduino, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering
Okay, our Replicator 2 went back online this week, and I decided to give printing my Arduino bumper another try. Since the last time, I have revised the program and code a couple of times. I was concerned that the various bits of solder protruding from the bottom of the board would need extra relief […]
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March 9, 2013 | Arduino, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering
Earlier this week, I tried to print out the first version of my Arduino bumper. Sadly, our Replicator 2 had a malfunction mid print, and it’s still offline (a problem with the temp sensor) but that doesn’t mean I’ve been entirely stationary. I mentioned on twitter that I was having trouble using the minkowski operator […]
March 2, 2013 | Arduino, My Projects, Raspberry Pi | By: Mark VandeWettering
Last week, I got a chance to experiment with a Replicator 2, and printed some brackets for my robot project. I designed them using OpenSCAD, which is kind of a scripting language for solid shapes. It can export in STL format, which I then used MakerWare to drive the Replicator 2. The picture at the […]
February 23, 2013 | Arduino, My Projects | By: Mark VandeWettering
A few days ago, I heard that Jayson Tautic (@tautic), manufacturer and purveyor of a interesting electronic prototyping goodies, had put up an interesting offering: a small PIR (passive infra red) motion detector. I’m always up for a new sensor to play with, so I ordered a pair for fun, and they arrived on Friday. […]
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February 7, 2013 | My Projects, Raspberry Pi | By: Mark VandeWettering
The other day, I was walking around in Fry’s Electronics, and noticed that they had HP HD-2200 webcams on sale for a mere $6. I thought to myself: hey, even if the camera is crappy (and it is) that is simply too cheap to pass up, and grabbed one. Last night, I decided to try […]
I move my pretty useless blog to Hugo about 7 years ago, since I got frustrated at too many security…