Question regarding the ITA2 “Baudot” code…

December 21, 2011 | Amateur Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering

While looking at the hadie high altitude balloon project, I got to thinking about making a microcontroller that could send RTTY. I knew that traditional Baudot (more properly the ITA2 code) was a five bit code with codes designed to switch back and forth between “letters” and “figures”, but I had never looked at the actual matrix. Here is the diagram from Wikipedia:

Tell me, is there ANY rhyme or reason to this layout? It literally looks like they just scattered the letters and numbers onto the codes more or less completely at random.

I was just curious: can anyone tell me what I am missing?

Hadie High Altitude Balloon Project

December 21, 2011 | Amateur Radio, electronics, High Altitude Balloon | By: Mark VandeWettering

While listening to the Amateur Radio Newsline podcast this week, I was interested to hear that a group of hams from Ireland had launched a balloon which transmitted digital pictures back from the balloon while it was at altitude, using a version of dl-fldigi. While I was familiar with fldigi, I hadn’t heard of this version, so I did a bit of searching on the web.

First of all, you can find details about the hadie high altitude balloon project here:

Hadie High Altitude Balloon Project

The flickr photostream from the most recent flight of hadie:4 can be found here:

Slideshow of hadie:4 images

Sadly, the balloon had a slower than predicted rise rate (2m/s instead of 3.5) and so overshot England after floating across the Irish Sea and landed in the North Sea. But it’s very cool that we got these live photos back.

Digging a bit more revealed this nice project web page which had many details about the hardware and software they used. They used a serial based camera module previously sold by Sparkfun (now apparently retired), an NTX2 module from Radiometrix which broadcasts on 434.075Mhz, and a cpu based upon the ATmega644P chip. The flight software appears to be written in C, and reads the data from a GPS and the camera module, and repackages it in a custom format called ssdv for transmission over 300/600/1200 baud 8 bit RTTY which can then be decoded by a custom version of fldigi known as dl-digi. Very neat. The radio module that they use has an output power of just 10mw, and yet was successfully decoded over distances greater than 500km. What’s kind of cool about this technique as opposed to (say) the analog Robot32 mode that ARISSAT-1 uses is that the image is broken up into packets, which are transmitted and received independently. The dl-fldigi can send any received packets to a central repository, and thus if any station successfully decodes a packet, then the image can be reconstructed (something that is difficult with analog SSTV).

I didn’t have much to add to this, I just wanted to stash this for later. While the images they got don’t really compare to some of the awesome HD footage that we are seeing shot with GoPro cameras, the immediacy of this seems very appealing, and it’s a good technical challenge.

Cook’s Illustrated Almost No Knead Bread

December 21, 2011 | Cooking and Recipes, Food | By: Mark VandeWettering

My early success with making tasty no knead bread has sent me off on the Internet looking for additional recipes. As a complete breadmaking newbie, I have a lot to learn, but luckily, there is lots of good websites to help me understand and extend my tiny skills in this vast topic. The best of these that I have found so far is Breadtopia, which has all sorts of great recipes and many cool videos that will take the mystery out of breadmaking. I of course focused on the no knead recipes, which seem the most accessible to me, but apparently Cooks Illustrated extended this recipe in a couple if interesting ways, notably by adding a small amount of vinegar and beer to the dough. They also have an interesting recipe for a sandwich loaf, which has a tighter crumb and thinner crust. I’ll be trying some of this out over the holiday weekend. If you’ve never made bread before (or even if you have), consider trying this stuff!

Cook’s Illustrated Almost No Knead.

Back to QRSS…

December 20, 2011 | Amateur Radio, QRSS | By: Mark VandeWettering

For some reason, I’m getting back into the universe of QRSS, or very slow Morse code. I goofed around with this for a while, writing some software to record audio and produce the necessary FFTs so that you can read Morse from these incredibly long Morse messages, but lately haven’t done much lately.

Hopefully, that will change during my time off for the holidays.

Somewhere in a junkbox, I built this circuit (from Hans Summers, G0UPL):

It’s really just a Colpitt’s oscillator, with a reverse biased LED acting as additional capacitance to “tune” the frequency around the nominal crystal frequency. When I built this circuit, I played around a bit with using an Arduino with an digital to analog converter to drive the LED back capacitance, and that worked fairly well. Here’s a timewarp back to that project, in the form of two of my earlier YouTube vids:

It worked, but I never put it on the air. But I got to rethinking it a bit more, and thought that maybe I’d assemble a new version and see how much I learned. I’ve got some ideas for improvements:

  • Make it “real”. Think about the layout a bit, and built it to be completed inside an (Altoids?) case.
  • The 4.7pf cap is too much to be driven by 0-5v (it induces too much frequency swing). Use a “gimmick” cap in its place.
  • Build in a small “dummy load” (just a 50ohm resistor), and add some test points so you can monitor the supply voltage and current from (say) an Arduino. It would be interesting to monitor temperature as well.
  • Oh, and use an Arduino to key it. Or maybe just an ATtiny.
  • Spend some time thinking about solar powering it.

I also was considering making a better dedicated antenna for it. I suppose I could just use a 30m dipole, but I think it might be fun to try something a bit smaller. Alan did some experimentation with a center loaded short dipole which might be fun, but I’m still pondering that.

The micro-power transmitter is fun, and unlikely to cause anybody any anguish, but might also be a bit hard to get any real DX with. So, I started thinking about what I needed to change. Higher voltage, to generate more power. A buffer and power amplifier to generate maybe 100-200mw. And a harmonic filter, so I could be a good citizen. But then I realized something: Hans was offering a kit that had all of those features already, and for about $15 US. So, I’ve got one of those on order too.

I hope to be on the air come the New Year. Stay tuned.

Alan’s Advent Calendar of Circuits 2011

December 19, 2011 | electronics | By: Mark VandeWettering

A couple of years ago, I was big into QRSS and wrote some software to do unattended captures of the portion of the 30M band where people were operating beacons. It was through this rather unconventional means that I first discovered Alan, VK2ZAY, as his callsign scrolled across in DFCW. If you look at this capture from February, 2009, you’ll see Alan’s call near the top, with VK6DI at the bottom, and … NM5DV I think? across the middle.

I soon discovered that Alan had a very interesting blog with all sorts of good electronics stuff. But during this holiday season, he’s raised the bar again: he’s doing one circuit for each day of the Advent calendar. And the circuits are amazing. Thought provoking. Simple. And yet useful.

If you haven’t checked them out, be sure to do so.

Project Completed: My $.99 Christmas LED hat, with ATtiny13 controller

December 18, 2011 | Arduino, diy, electronics, LED | By: Mark VandeWettering

Well, it’s done! Here’s my ATtiny13 controlled Christmas LED hat. It consists of an 8 pin, ATtiny13 microcontroller, a pair of 2N3904 transistors and some 1K resistors, a 7805 voltage regulator with two filter caps, and a switch, all mounted on a Radio Shack perfboard inside an Altoids tin. I’m rather pleased with the way it turned out. I always like it when a project goes from the breadboard to a final mounting in a box.

Addendum: Here’s the schematic for the entire circuit. Nothing too surprising, but you should be able to follow it if you need to.

Christmas Lights powered by an ATtiny13

December 16, 2011 | Arduino, Arts and Crafts, electronics | By: Mark VandeWettering

While waiting for my bread to rise the other day, I moved my breadboard ATtiny13 circuit that blinked two leds to a small Radio Shack perfboard, added a couple of switching transistors (2N3904s) to power the LEDs, and built a small 7805 regulator (which doesn’t yet have any filter caps, I’ll get to that). But, I couldn’t resist powering it on. And after finding a small solder bridge (a hairlike strand that spattered and connected two of the microcontroller pins), it worked!

Hopefully this stuff will get mounted in a hat this weekend. Stay tuned for the final video.

Addendum: I received one request for the source code. It’s trivial. Here you go.

[sourcecode lang=”cpp”]
#define F_CPU 1200000UL

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

* xmas.c
* A small program for the ATtiny13 that can control two strands of
* Christmas lights. I found a set of batter powered LED Christmas
* lights at CVS on sale for $.99 each. I took the lights out, and
* found that they consisted of two strands: one of 4 red and 4 yellow
* LEDs, and the other of 4 blue and 3 green LEDS. Each strand is
* wired in parallel and draws about 20ma at 3 volts. I have a few
* ATtiny13’s lying around, which can use between 2.7 and 5.5 volts supply.
* I think for this test, I’ll wire up a little 7805 regulator to provide
* 5V, and then control each strand with one of the two PWM outputs.
* If I want to drive the strings directly from the microcontroller,
* I’ll have to insert another 50 ohms of resistance to limit the current
* to around 20ma per pin. I could also add a 1K resistor and a small
* NPN transistor to drive each pin at the higher voltage. At 5V, the
* strand will draw about 120ma.

#define LED0 PB0 /* pin 5 on the ATtiny13 */
#define LED1 PB1 /* pin 6 on the ATtiny13 */
#define SWITCH PB4 /* pin 3 on the ATtiny13 */

int brite, dir ;

int swd = 0 ;
int swu = 0 ;

DDRB |= (1 << LED0) ; /* set both LEDs as outputs */
DDRB |= (1 << LED1) ;
DDRB &= ~(1 << SWITCH) ; /* and the switch as an input */
PORTB |= (1 << SWITCH) ; /* and activate the internal pull up */

/* This configures the PWM outputs to be in "Fast PWM" mode. */
TCCR0A |= (1 << WGM01) | (1 << WGM00) ;

/* Timer is clocked at F_CPU/8 */
TCCR0B |= (1 << CS01) ;

/* COM01 COM00
* 0 0 | normal port operation, output compare disconnected
* 0 1 | toggle output on compare match
* 1 0 | clear output on compare match
* 1 1 | set output on compare match

TCCR0A |= ((1 << COM0A1)) ;
TCCR0A |= ((1 << COM0B1)) ;
OCR0A = 0;
OCR0B = 0;

for (;;) {
/* SOLID ON */
for (;;) {
OCR0A = 0xff ;
OCR0B = 0xff ;
_delay_ms(1) ;
if ((PINB & (1<<SWITCH)) == 0)
break ;
while ((PINB & (1<<SWITCH)) == 0) ;

brite = 0 ;
dir = 1 ;
for (;;) {
OCR0A = brite ;
OCR0B = brite ^ 0xFF ;
brite += dir ;
if (brite == 0 || brite == 255)
dir = -dir ;
_delay_ms(2) ;
if ((PINB & (1<<SWITCH)) == 0)
break ;
while ((PINB & (1<<SWITCH)) == 0) ;

/* BLINK */
brite = 0xff ;
for (;;) {
OCR0A = brite ;
OCR0B = brite ;
_delay_ms(500) ;
brite ^= 0xff ;
if ((PINB & (1<<SWITCH)) == 0)
break ;
while ((PINB & (1<<SWITCH)) == 0) ;

for (;;) {
OCR0A = 0xff ;
OCR0B = 0 ;
_delay_ms(500) ;
if ((PINB & (1<<SWITCH)) == 0)
break ;
OCR0A = 0 ;
OCR0B = 0xff ;
_delay_ms(500) ;
if ((PINB & (1<<SWITCH)) == 0)
break ;
while ((PINB & (1<<SWITCH)) == 0) ;


More on no-knead bread…

December 15, 2011 | Cooking and Recipes, Food | By: Mark VandeWettering

Tonight I baked up my second loaf of no knead bread. The first batch was promising, but was a bit dense. I used ordinary all purpose flour, and for whatever reason, I didn’t seem to get as high of a rise as I thought I should. This time, I decided to try some King Arthur unbleached bread flour, and made sure that I got the yeast well mixed into the dough. I also chose the top of my fridge as the best location to give it arise (the weather has been cold, and the top of the fridge is a bit warmer). That seemed to be a good move: the dough seemed quite a bit livelier.

I turned it out onto a floured towel for its two hour rest/rise. I then started to work on my Christmas hat project, and got absorbed in what I was doing. Two and a half hours later, I remembered that I had bread sitting out, and set the oven (and my Dutch oven) preheating for thirty minutes. When I flopped the dough in, it stuck to the towel (next time more flour on the towel, and perhaps less time sitting on the counter). That mucked up the top a tiny bit, but I flopped it into the Dutch oven. Into the oven. Thirty minutes covered, and twenty uncovered.

Smell: good. Looks, well, check it out for yourself:

As it was cooling on the rack, I could hear the outer crust crackling. Tapping it, the bread sounded nice and hallow, and the crust was very dry and crackly. Slicing into it, the inners were much less dense than my previous entrant, with many larger holes. The flavor was even better than the first loaf: light, yeasty and delicious. I think going the extra five minutes uncovered was actually a mistake: it made the outer crust just a little too dry. Also, the bottom of the loaf is a bit tougher and thicker than I would like, but the flavor is still good.

I proclaim this a complete success. Yum.

The creator of the no-knead bread, Jim Lahey, has a book entitled My Bread: The Revolutionary No-Work, No-Knead Method which looks good. Perhaps it will show up in my Christmas stocking. 🙂

Lightweight Web servers

December 15, 2011 | Web Development, Web Programming | By: Mark VandeWettering

Don’t you hate it when you see something that you want to investigate further, but then you can’t remember what the project is called? That’s what happened to me: I recently saw some cool little web server, implemented as a single C file, and that could either embed or be embedded in other applications.

And for the life of me, I can’t remember the name.

While searching, I did find this cool list of lightweight web servers that was collected by IBM. It’s got a lot of them, and included most of the ones I knew about, but none seem to be the one I was looking for. I’ll keep looking, but I’m archiving this link because it will undoubtedly be useful in the future.

List of Lightweight Web servers, courtesy of IBM

Addendum: The one I was looking for was Mongoose..

Addendum2: The link above appears to be dead. But Wikpedia provides this comparison of lightweight webservers which may provide links to the information you need. I’ve used nginx, mongoose, boa, and thttpd, and all seemed very good with some interesting varying features. Check them all out.

Microcontroller cheat sheet

December 13, 2011 | Arduino, electronics, Hardware, Microcontrollers | By: Mark VandeWettering

I needed to know the pinouts for various AVR chips and the 6 pin ICSP cable they used. I found this cool little one page sheet that had that, and more. Saved for future reference:

Microcontroller cheat sheet.

No-Knead Bread from the New York Times

December 12, 2011 | Cooking and Recipes, Food | By: Mark VandeWettering

Frequent readers of this blog might be shocked to learn that I’m not entirely consumed by the usual geeky topics that I post about. Among other things, I also like to cook, and as the holidays approach, I like to try to find a few new recipes and techniques. This week’s experiment was one of the most basic: breadmaking.

While I’m not exactly inexperienced in the kitchen, I don’t do a lot of baking, and have never really done any serious incursions into breadmaking. We have a breadmaker, but frankly, the bread it makes was just not very exciting. It’s been unused for a few years. If I want bread, I go to a bakery and buy it. I just figured that bread was too hard and complex for a guy of average skill and equipment to master.

But then I read a recipe which seemed simplicity itself: Jim Lahey’s recipe for No Knead Bread. Flour. Yeast. Salt. Water. And time. Simplicity itself. It is cooked inside a cast iron Dutch oven. It doesn’t require kneading or working. How good could it possibly be?

Recipe: No-Knead Bread – New York Times

Well, here’s the loaf as it comes from the oven:

After it was cooled a bit, I sliced in with a good bread knife:

My first attempt wasn’t perfect, but was very promising. The crust is awesome: crusty, but not too thick. Carmelized, pretty, and beautiful. The inside was just a trifle too moist to be called perfect, but still is much better than any bread you’d get off the shelf at the megamart. I think I could have done a bit better job integrating the yeast during the first mix, and it probably should have left the bread in the oven for 30 minutes covered and 30 uncovered (I only did 15 uncovered). I was concerned about the bread sticking to my cast iron Dutch oven, but it just flips out. I won’t worry next time.

I’ll be trying this bread again shortly. I got some unbleached bread flour for next time instead of the ordinary all purpose flour I used. If you haven’t given it a try before, check it out! For the price of three cups of flour and a pinch of yeast (only one quarter teaspoon) it’s even economical.

If you try this, let me know how it works out.

Carmen makes an Arduino Stoplight

December 12, 2011 | Arduino, electronics, LED | By: Mark VandeWettering

Today, Carmen decided that she wanted to give Arduino programming a try. She’s an experienced programmer, but had never tried any of this small embedded stuff, and knows relatively little about electronics, but with a little direction from me, she got the Arduino development environment installed, and we did a bit of playing around. I showed how we could blink an LED, and then showed her how to read switches and even drive a servo motor. She then walked through some of Lady Ada’s tutorials and ended up scavenging a red, green, and yellow LED from some old throwies we had, and coding up a little stop light application:

Here’s the code:

[sourcecode lang=”cpp”]
// Stoplight
// Introductory Arduino program – Carmen & Mark VandeWettering 12/11/11
// with thanks to :
int redPin = 12; // Red LED connected to digital pin 12
int greenPin = 11; // Green LED connected to digital pin 11
int yellowPin = 13; // Yellow LED connected to digital pin 13
int delayTime = 1000; // initiate a delaytime amount here

void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
pinMode(yellowPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output

void loop() // run over and over again
digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH); // sets the Red LED on
delay(delayTime); // waits the delayTime
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // sets the Red LED off
digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH); // sets the Green LED on
delay(delayTime*5); // waits the delayTime * 5
digitalWrite(yellowPin, HIGH); // sets the Yellow LED on
digitalWrite(greenPin, LOW); // sets the Green LED off
delay(delayTime); // waits the delayTime
digitalWrite(yellowPin, LOW); // sets the Yellow LED off (and continue the loop)

If you have any experience with programming at all, the Arduino should be pretty easy. If you don’t, it will take a bit more work, but it’s still doable. Give it a try!

The Lunar Eclipse…

December 10, 2011 | Astronomy | By: Mark VandeWettering

Okay, I did wake up for the lunar eclipse this morning. At 5:30 my alarm went off. I pulled on some clothes, wandered out to the front yard, and sure enough, the moon was already being devoured by the Earth’s shadow. I went back inside, and got my old pair of tripod-mounted aircraft spotting binoculars, and set them up across the street. Carmen joined me, and we got a nice view as the shadow covered the moon. I had Carmen’s Canon G11 but I don’t use it often enough, and was frankly too sleepy to figure it out, but I did manage to snap a few shots of it using my iPhone through the binoculars. Here is one of the best.

By the time 6:30 rolled around, the skies were brightening and the moon was sinking into the offshore clouds. We headed to Starbucks, and got a coffee, but that was it.

The eclipse was very dark though: darker than I remember seeing. And deep red. And my bifocals aren’t the greatest thing for staring at distant objects. But the binoculars worked out great.

The “Hello World” of Servo Programming on the Arduino

December 10, 2011 | Arduino, diy, electronics | By: Mark VandeWettering

This morning I woke up around 5:30AM to catch the lunar eclipse. It was pretty nice: totality began around 6:05AM and the moon became incredibly dark and red. But 30 minute later, it had progressed low enough that it entered the offshore clouds that signaled the arrival of the morning fog. So, I came back, and went to bed.

When I woke up, I knew that I wanted to try something easy with my Arduino. A few weeks ago, I was in a Radio Shack (gasp!) and saw that they carried the Parallax servos (rebranded Futaba servos, if memory serves) so I picked one up, thinking “I should hook this to an Arduino, because I’ve never done that.”

Well, so I did.

So… what can I do with this?

I could use it to pan a webcam back and forth, perhaps under control of a web page.

I could hook up an ultrasonic sensor, and scan for obstacles.

I could rotate an object, and create an animated gif allowing you to see all sides

And ultimately, I could do some kind of animatronic thing.

I know, it’s not very impressive. But it’s a start. And as I’ve heard before, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

More Wisdom on LEDs…

December 7, 2011 | Computer Graphics, electronics | By: Mark VandeWettering

More important help for the budding young electronics designer:!/EMSL/status/144546376624250880

Note: this also works in computer graphics quite well. Just specify a negative intensity for the light value.